I didn't/don't know my ___ from a hole in the ground about the entire deal but I loved the thoughts, research,and mostly the ongoing drama as the water flowed South----I'll say it again---Lots of smarts on this board!!!!
I didn't/don't know my ___ from a hole in the ground about the entire deal but I loved the thoughts, research,and mostly the ongoing drama as the water flowed South----I'll say it again---Lots of smarts on this board!!!!
I spend most of my working life straightening up engineering snafus. I think it's great that some universities have wonderful engineering programs, but I've met, worked for, & gone behind & straightened out a miriad of screw ups made by guys who had ehough sheepskins to cover a wall form some of th emost prestigious schools in America. Now, to straighten everyone up, I didn't post anything else on this thread. One of the moderators took it upon themselves to do it. However, with all the smart ellic commentary, I still see no one who made such great efforts to belittle my thoughts & predictions with enough nut hair to come forward & say they were right, but at the same time they can't come forward & say I was wrong in my prognosis, because this record proves my prognoisis correct. Now I'm done with this.
Your predictions on the stage levels were primarily correct (not really what the disputes were about). The reasons it all happened was where you were cosistantly wrong, and this is what everyone was pointing out. Your statements about the control structure were patently wrong, and this was another aspect you were challenged on.
If you had simply said I think the river will do such and such based on the stage levels and your gut instinct, you would have been fine. Everybody is entitled to an OPINION. But I guess some insecurity forced you to have to pretend you knew it all.....and when you were PROVEN wrong you kept harping that your river stage guesses were right so the rest of what you said must be right. I mean as recently as yesterday you stated during the flood the Corps let the river change course. I mean that statement is so ludicrous that it hurts my brain. Once the river changes course, there ain't no brining it back. The corps increased the amount siphoned off the Mississippi and shunted to the Atchafalya, but in no way shape or form did they allow it to change course. Again, if you had just stuck to the fact your stage guesses were right, you would have come out smelling like a rose.
As I said, you missed the point then and you continue to miss it.
No run along and go fix some idiot engineers snafu. We all know if they would just ask you first everything would be perfect.
Question for any of you Corps guys or anyone else-Have noticed when getting near the end of the I-10 Basin Bridge westbound that there appears to be some dredging being done north of I-10-like near the old railroad or the power lines. Anyone know what's going on?
Charlie I don't know who you are or what your qualications are supposed to be, but don't go opining about something you certainly don't know a damn bit more about than I. I didn't intend to post again on the subject & hate to have to call you out, but your ignorance is showing for anyone who wishes to check the facts. The fact that the "blessed flow rates", which were at the heart of every bit of the debate which occured for weeks, were allowed to go higher in the lower Atchafalaya & the Wax Lake outlet, than they were in the lower Mississippi, is self evident that the river was in effect allowed, or rather forced to change its course at the highest flow rate the lower river system has ever flowed at. This is exactly what occured. I'm sorry that no world wide recognized scientist pointed this out to you & therefore you can't grasp it for yourself, but that is exactly what happened.
So for you or any other person to NOW claim something can or will happen that has already been proven false by history, is ludicrous & shows you don't know your ___ from a hole in the ground unless someone else is spoon feeding you your info. That's ok though. One of the research scientists on the river project will print it up in a study book in two or three years & then you can accept that as fact, Even though it has already been established as fact & you're a little slow to realize it.
Edit: Furthermore, if you understood what was made to occur, & what the outcome was, then you would understand why the Corps made so many warnings which in hindsight, now look like governmental balogna used to oversell & take advantage of everyone's fears. It just so happens that the Corps severely underestimated the Wax Outlet's & Atchafalaya's ability to dump water as fast as it was able too. If you had spent nearly as much time studying these things intead of belittling me you wouldn't have just stuck you foot in your mouth. Now figure another way to try to humiliate me or challenge the findings until they are proven by "recognized experts".
No matter how much you type, the river did not change course. You are wrong. More of the Mississippi was allowed to escape down the atchafalaya channel then normal, but the river was not allowed to change course. King the volume and quantity of your words do not make them correct.
That's the point Enistein. It didn't change it's course even though it was allowed by channeling to overtake the Mississippi by flow rate. Technically if the Atchafalaya was flowing mor than the Mississippi it did change it's course TECHNICALLY. If you understood what you are arguing nearly as much as you have made fun of me over, you would realize this & shut up & leave it alone while you are just a little foolish looking. Helmut would back me up on this if he had any balls because he knows what I'm saying is correct. But he won't because he's more worried about his little title than the better good of the discovery & understanding of truth by the majority. That is the mentality which refers me back to the reasons for failure in the other post.
Jeez, King, YOU said it changed course, no me. It did not, not technically, hypothetically, kinda, or otherwise. Even with the all the flood gates open, in "Project Flood" the combined Atchafalaya and Wax lake outlet are the same as the combined Missississippi and Bonnet Carre outlets. And we did not get near project flood, and the Corps did not open all the gates. Even if they had, changing course means changing course. It does not mean whatever YOU decide it means today.
Look, I never intended to "make fun of you", I assumed from your numerous confronational posts, that you could take a little back and forth. If I crossed the line I'm sorry. However you were wrong, are wrong, and calling me foolish and telling me to shut up doesn't change that.
By the way, here is a flow map of "project flood". Remember we were no where near project flood, and the corps never opened all the gates. So I doubt the Atchafalya at any point during that 2011 flood flowed more than the Missisissippi.
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