No! It's not an indication of gates being closed. That's what I tried explaining to you about the morganza water not affecting Morgan city 9 hours after the gates were opened! The water from morganza doesn't touch the atch. River until at least south of sherbun if not south of BLR. It is impossible for you to see results from opening gates at morganza in morgancity 9 hrs later. Look at a map, ORC and morganza come into the basin at two different points and don't merge anywhere near simmsport. The only way simmsport, Melville, krotz springs and anything from BLR north gets affected is by the water getting slowed down south of BLR. I watched the water myself. The sat. It was opened the spillway was dry as a bone. The next day I saw it about a mile south of the structure creeping sliwly. The Tuesday after it was just south of the railroad that crosses into Melville. The next day it was just getting to hwy. 190. And so on. It just started merging with the atch. In the last couple of days! No do you understand the reason we doubt your theory of looking at those charts and making a determination that you've seen affects 9 hrs later?!