I remember reading in 1973 that the flood then nearly took out the Old River Control Structure. What has been done since then to prevent this from happening now?
I remember reading in 1973 that the flood then nearly took out the Old River Control Structure. What has been done since then to prevent this from happening now?
This is a link to an Aerial Photo of the ORCS as it is today.
The Old River Low Sill and Overbank structures were built in 1962 the Auxillary Structure built in 1986. The 1962 structure came "that close" to failure. They were throwing in cars, BFR and any thing else they could get their hands on. (BFR is a highly technical term for Big ____ing Rock.)
This is a link to the river stage current conditions and forecasts.
The Thursday May 5 forecast assumes Bonnet Carre' open but not Morganza. This will probably change. All forecasts are subject to upstream rainfall and time to route the runoff through the watershed.
I was just told by one of the engineers that the Bonnet Carre spillway will open either Monday or Tuesday.... Morganza Spillway should open by next Thursday. Everything that a few of you had said is right on. MC area will get the hit according to my buddy.
From the national weather service. Check out the forecast stage at Morgan City with Morganza closed versus opened. A 5.5 foot jump in river stage.
Actually that is Flood Stage: 4.0
Morganza Closed: 9.5
Morganza Open: 12.0 - 13.0
So 2.5-3.5 foot difference. Not good any way you slice it. The forcast is for a MINIMUM of flood + 5.5' and a maximum of flood + 9'
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