I too, am looking forward to them being finished. It would be nice to have a little peace and quiet on the weekends. The almost constant sound of motion announciators is getting old. With at least two dozen pieces of equipment on the site and moving all the time it gets to a point that it's about the only thing you hear. I can't see how this can be a safety measure because if you hear them all the time then they are almost useless. I keep telling myself the more often they work the quicker they finish.
My neighbor has two scarlet Macaws, one of them has learned to mimic the motion announciator sound so I guess the affects of construction will linger. It's OK though, because the bird does not do it all the time and it is kind of amusing.
Student Union Construction is supposed to start sometimes this fall, so this thread could live on or morph into "Student Union Construction". Who knows.