Lots of work today 1/29/11. Pumping concrete for perimeter footings, excavation for interior footings, more plumbing, electrical rough in all for Dorm No. 1 Dirt hauling for the new parking garage.
Bancroft Demolition
Pumping concrete for perimeter footings for Dorm No. 1. The stack of material in the foreground are "Symons forms" a metal form that they will use to for the slab.
Excavation for interior footings. Electrical rough in is being done (the gray pipes sticking up in the lower left of the photo)
Replacing poor soils under the area of the old Credit Union building. the soil was full of debris. This could be a change order if they were not anticipating this. You never know what to expect when you start digging in the ground. They were hauling dirt today in anticipation of rain tomorrow.
I did notice that they had light towers on the site. Looks like they are anticipating working at night.
Lemoine is putting together a good plan and executing it well
Yes they are. They also have good subs. I noticed last week that they had about 30% to 40% of the area for Dorm No. 1 covered with visqueen so it would not get too wet during the rains. If a path is muddy, they use some of the broken concrete from Bancroft to make a road. The concrete pumper truck was on a pad of broken concrete from Bancroft. If they can do something to make things progress they will do it.
This is polar opposite to the contractor building the new softball complex. That guy is a joke!!! Being happy with that contractor would be the same thing as being happy with the caterer delivering food for your daughters wedding one month late, and still having to pay for it.
I dunno about working at night. There's a lot of residential around the site. I know that a lot of lighting got taken out when they demo'ed the Credit Union. I'm around Anglle a lot, between band (not really anymore) and my fraternity (we meet in Angelle Hall on Sunday nights). There are ALWAYS students around Angelle Hall. Everyone in the music dept has card access to the building 24/7, so there's always students practicing and I have a bunch of friends who, since the internet in the dorms suck, go to Angelle to get online. Last week, with no lights back there, it was extremely dark. I noticed earlier that they had lights installed on the corner of Angelle. The lights might simply be for safety reasons. (Also, the cameras they installed around the building might be worthless without lighting.)
Also, while getting sources for a section on UL's Wikipedia entry for the campus expansions, I found a webcam set up overlooking the work site. It's on UL's housing website:
The foundation crew for the parking garage started to move equipment in today. Looks like they will use Berkel pressure grouted piles. It ought to be interesting to see.
I don't know about Berkel ground piles or anything like that, all I know is that they moved in a big ole crane this afternoon. I's assume they're about to start driving some foundation piles in.
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