Haven't seen any new pictures since August.. I love what you are doing, posting the pictures, and always look forward to them..
Haven't seen any new pictures since August.. I love what you are doing, posting the pictures, and always look forward to them..
They finished the residence hall construction in late August. They finished Randolph Hall a week or two after school started. So there hasn't been anything to show. I will eventually post a before and after on this thread but I've been pretty busy lately and haven't had a chance to do it yet. Student Union Construction should get started pretty soon so there should be some things to show there before too long.
Living so close to the project, it's pretty nice to have a break from the construction activity. It was getting old even for me who is used to construction. I can wash my house now and not have it get dirty in two weeks because of all the dust. On the other hand, it was good to see some of the old eyesore dorms come down and be replaced with up to date buildings.
I went to Hamilton Lab School, now Hamilton Hall, for first to eighth grade. I saw Old Bancroft. Denbo and Bonin Hall constructed when I was going to Hamilton. When I found out what was going to happen I thought, "I saw them go up and I will see them go down". I had mixed emotions about the buildings being demolished but I got over that once I got involved with the weekly photographs. I originally started the photographs for me, then I realized there were all of the out of town people here on RP. There was a lot of confusion around the Softball stadium construction and I realized that much of it was a result of the out of town people not being able to see things first hand. I figured if I could help all the out of town folks here it would maybe eliminate rumor and misunderstanding. So my personal project morphed into something a little bigger.
I then met the general superintendent for Juneau construction when I was taking photos one weekend. I told him what I was doing and offered him all of my photos. That resulted in me making him a CD every month and dropping it off at the job site office. So it morphed again. I met Dr Savoie on Campus one day and my project morphed again. Architects Southwest (the local rep for the out of town Architect) is a client of mine and Steve Oubre asked if I could give him photos too. So it morphed again. Anyhow, what started as a personal project ended up as something I never though it would be. I always take photo records of my projects to help me remember what happened and when, so doing this was not a big deal for me and I was glad to do it.
Wow HelmutVII what I thought started out as an "its over" post, morphed into a great story.
Thanks for everything, I have thoroughly enjoyed your efforts.
They have been constructing a plaza at the University Ave Johnston Street corner of the University in front of Girard Hall. these are a few shots of whats happening. This contractor must be related to the same guy that renovated the Softball Stadium, he doesn't move to fast.
A view from the circular drive. Girard Hall is in the background
A view from the front of Girard Hall, Martin Hall to the back University Ave to the rear of the camera.
The trees were huge. when they were cutting them down, a tree cutter got as far as he could go up in a bucket truck and climb the rest of the way up. He looked like an ant crawling up the tree. During one of the last hurricanes one of the trees fell on Girard Hall. I think that sealed their fate. They also cut down the pine trees between the presidents house and Moody Hall. They also cut down two huge pine trees between Declouet Hall and the sidewalk on Hebrard Boulevard. They must have been at least 60 feet tall and right up against the building. I'm sure they were doing some damage to the foundation.
Helmut, first, wonderful job with the pictures and updates. Thank you. I had a question about the dorms: do you have any interior pics of these buildings? Commons rooms? Actual dorm rooms? I was wondering what they looked like on the interior.
Thank you very much. I do not have photos of the interior of the residence halls. As soon as they were finished they were occupied. Plus, you have to have an access card to get in the buildings. After all, people are living in the buildings and they do deserve some privacy. The Housing department has a web site that will have photos of the inside of the buildings. They also have a Facebook page that has a photo album of the buildings. Some of the earlier photos are mine that I gave to Dr. Savoie so they may look familiar.
Pine isn't even good to burn.
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