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Thread: Campus Construction

  1. #529

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Plenty of inside work going on with the two new buildings. Harris, Randolph and Buchanan Halls are also progressing but most of that work is inside too.

    This is the University Ave facade of building 1 (probably Corona Hall) almost ready for landscaping.


    University Ave Entrance to the alley between the two new buildings. Split columns are installed so they are getting close to being finished in this location.


    Conflict box for conduits for the University Ave street lighting are being placed in a split casing (the red pipe) and a conflict box built around them.


    University Ave facade of building 2 (most probably Bonin Hall)


    Not much else to show because most of the work being done is inside.

  2. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Just wondering if it will be finished by Fall and if reservations are full!!!! last Fall we (STATE FARM) had a great move in party for the students moving in---would like to do it again!!!!

  3. #531

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    Just wondering if it will be finished by Fall and if reservations are full!!!! last Fall we (STATE FARM) had a great move in party for the students moving in---would like to do it again!!!!

    the two new residence halls will be finished but Harris, Buchanan and Randolph won't make it.

  4. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Damn Lazy ___ company---Needed the company that did the softball complex!!!! LOL

  5. #533

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Heavy rains the last part of this past week have made the site look pretty miserable. I have been on many muddy job sites and it really makes everything much more difficult to do.

    They have started to place landscaping materials around Corona Hall. This is the University Ave facade.


    A peek at the new rose garden. Buchanan Hall is to the rear, Randolph is to the right and Corona is to the left.


    The new University Ave gate to the alley between the two new residence halls. There will be a small parking area along University Ave for Handicapped Students only all the other parking that was there has been removed and won't be replaced.


    One of two unanticipated conflict boxes for University ave underground electric conduits for street lighting. The hay bale is to keep silt from entering the subsurface drainage for University Ave.


    Mostly inside work going on on almost all the other buildings.

  6. #534

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Two weeks of rain has resulted in not much subject matter to photograph. Lots of landscape work has been done though and they moved furniture into Corona and Bonin residence halls. Harris is just about finished on the inside and it's a good thing too, they will have students moving in by next week (the week of August 6th). Final Certificate of Occupancy was granted on Corona and Bonin Halls last week. A temporary Certificate of Occupancy was granted on Harris Hall (the elevator wasn't ready). They should get permanent CO for Harris Hall next week. Still lots of outside work to be done. Randolph Hall won't be ready next week though but should be pretty close once school starts.

    This is a view of the two new halls and Buchanan (to the left) from the rear of Mc Laurin Gym. The trenches in the foreground are for chilled water and hot water lines .


    A view down Boucher from the front of McLauin Gym. Harris Hall is to the immediate right in the photo.


    ( A Harris Hall story. I had a White German Shepherd several years ago. She escaped from my yard and ran across University Ave. I got on campus and asked everybody I saw if they had seen a white dog running by. Everybody I spoke to pointed in the direction of Harris Hall. I asked at the front desk and they said she was there. I found her in the TV room watching TV with some of the residents.)

    The University Ave. facade of Corona Hall. A muddy mess but it should look much different by next week if the forecast holds.


    The alley way facade of Corona Hall.


    The University Ave facade of Bonin Hall


    The alley way facade of Bonin Hall.


    Buchanan Hall. the only thing they will be doing is to water proof and paint the exterior and install an elevator. (they ran out of money)


  7. #535

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    It ought to be an interesting next two or three weeks. It will be quite a change from construction to an influx of college students. Although it won't be that much different from when Randolph, Baker, Huger, Bonin and Evangeline had residents.

  8. #536

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    All of the temporary construction fencing is down and they are cleaning up the site nicely. I spoke to the landscape foreman today and he said he would be finished in about 3 days. They are from Slidel.

    This is the front of Randolph Hall scraped and ready for paint.


    This is the new rear entrance to Randolph Hall almost ready for paint.


    Putting a new roof on Alumni Hall (the Vermilion Office)


    Completed Harris Hall. Maybe a little clean up but it looks like it's ready for heads on the bed.


    Finished quad area behind Corona Hall this is the new rose garden. Buchanan Hall is to the right.


    The new rose garden. It's in the same place as the old rose garden. I'm wondering how long they will be able to keep it up. They had roses planted on both sides of the entrance to Girard Hall when they finished and they are all gone now. There is a lone Crepe Myrtle on each side of the entrance now. I guess time will tell.


    Cast iron plants waiting to be planted. I don't think the even the grounds crew for the University can kill these plants. I think they will survive.


    A small handicapped parking area off of University in the front of Corona and Bonin Halls. This is the only University Ave parking that will be constructed. The Oak tress will like it much better I'm sure.


    University Ave entrance to the alley way between the two new buildings.


    Boucher Drive entrance to the alley between the two new buildings. as seen from what's left of the service drive to the student union. Boucher drive and the drive way are in pretty rough shape after all the construction.


    University Ave facade of Corona Hall as seen from the front corner of Corona Hall. Randolph Hall is to the my right.


    View from the driveway to my home.


    It was very quiet this weekend as they are finished with all but the smallest details. The only construction going on is the landscaping, and work on Randolph Hall and Alumni Hall. Buchanan will get waterproofing and painting only.

    If you go here

    Type in "Lafayette Louisiana", Switch to satellite. If you zoom into the campus area close enough it will switch to a birds eye view of the campus taken in late April of this year.

  9. Default Re: Campus Construction

    So all the dorms are ready for the fall use---Thought they had mentioned that some would not be ready---Man this is just beautiful!!! Thanks so much for your weekly reports!!!!

  10. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Looking good.

    It has been a busy year and a half.

    Thanks HelmutVII

  11. #539

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    HelmutVII is the man. It has been so much fun keeping up with construction. I only hope when they renovate the Tigue, the track stadium and the football stadium the university or "someone" will be able to provide just a little of what he has done for us. Fans love seeing things like this. Get's them excited about the university!

  12. #540

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    So all the dorms are ready for the fall use---Thought they had mentioned that some would not be ready---Man this is just beautiful!!! Thanks so much for your weekly reports!!!!
    All of the residence halls will be able to accept students for the fall semester. Randolph may not be ready at the start but it should be finished shortly after school starts. Buchanan will be painted and water proofed only from what I understand.

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