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Thread: Campus Construction

  1. #349

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Demolition noise was no big deal since I'm at work every Monday to Friday. They do work on weekends but they didn't start until about 8:30 or 9:00 A.M. They shut down about 5:30 or 6:00 in the afternoon. The big problem is dust. It gets everywhere and its constant. It's nothing that a good rain wouldn't cure though.

  2. #350

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Clean up around Huger has continued this week.

    The entrance to Huger is getting close.


    Forming for sidewalks on the side of Huger has started. Hamilton Hall to the right. New parking garage to the rear.


    Removal of construction aggregate continues and is almost finished. Hamilton Hall is to the rear.


    Drainage work and dress up to the rear of Huger. Baker is to the right.


  3. #351

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Rose garden construction is well under way.

    One stairwell completed and two under construction.


    Bonin Gone.


    Casing for two hydraulic elevator rams for the second Rose Garden Dorm. This is where Bonin Dorm was.


    Lots of plumbing rough in to do.


    Completed stair well


    The renovation of O K Allen Hall is finished.


  4. #352

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    What kind of renovation work was done on OK Allen?

  5. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginFan2 View Post
    What kind of renovation work was done on OK Allen?
    They added a new corridor for the new student health services. The old one will be torn down in the Union expansion process.

  6. #354

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    OK Allen Hall was gutted from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall. All of the old and inefficient mechanical units were removed, the windows were replaced with energy efficient units, and the floors and ceilings were insulated. The remains of the kitchen were still in the building and that was removed also. Half of the building will be occupied by Counseling and Testing the other half will be used for the medical clinic. The old clinic along with Guillory and Corona Hall complex will eventually be demolished during the student union renovation.

  7. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    Thanks for the updates. Sweet progress.

    In the last pic with the bulldozer it looks like a different bricklayer from the top of the window on up. Perhaps he was scared of scaffolds.

    Geaux Cajuns

  8. #356

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Thanks for the updates. Sweet progress.

    In the last pic with the bulldozer it looks like a different bricklayer from the top of the window on up. Perhaps he was scared of scaffolds.
    At any given time there may have been 40 to 50 guys on the brick laying crew. Of that, maybe 15 or 20 brick layers, the rest being helpers of one form or another. No two brick layers will have the same technique or skill and there is no guarantee that one brick layer will work at the same place two days in a row. So the wall will vary a little bit up and down and right to left. Brick laying depends on three things, level, plumb and "finish where you start". One of the things that has changed in construction is the lack of experienced people in the trades. You may have noticed that many new homes today do not have a complete veneer of brick all the way around the house. They will break it up with stucco or siding. One of the reasons for this is because the brick layer does not have to have the skill of going all the way around the house and "coursing out" properly (finishing where he started"). They can skip an area and nobody will notice. (looking at the where the brick courses hit the window sills or the tops of the doors is a dead give away to a good or bad brick layer. If the courses don't hit at the same location at every window then the brick layer was bad or the framing carpenter couldn't measure).

  9. #357

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    OK Allen Hall was gutted from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall. All of the old and inefficient mechanical units were removed, the windows were replaced with energy efficient units, and the floors and ceilings were insulated. The remains of the kitchen were still in the building and that was removed also. Half of the building will be occupied by Counseling and Testing the other half will be used for the medical clinic. The old clinic along with Guillory and Corona Hall complex will eventually be demolished during the student union renovation.
    Thanks, Helmut (and Kelbow, too!), for the info. And double thanks for keeping us updated and informed on all of the building going on on-campus. Really appreciate it!

  10. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginFan2 View Post
    Thanks, Helmut (and Kelbow, too!), for the info. And double thanks for keeping us updated and informed on all of the building going on on-campus. Really appreciate it!
    All the credit should go to Helmet, he has a camera lol. I can see the progress on the Rose Garden area everyday walking to class, and they are doing some work.

  11. Default Re: Campus Construction

    My wife and I were floored ( pun intended ) when we went up the elevator and saw just the hallways and the rooms and baths---so cool--Kinda wish I had just waited to take the first walk through the finished rose garden---Were they able to keep any of the bushes???? Now add on the Cajun Village with the new Union work!!!! Any word on the finishing of the total dorms and when will the Village/Union work start????

  12. #360

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    The Credit Union offices have settled in to their new home at the Parking Garage. Parking and Transit is sharing the office space. (The door closest to the camera).


    The drive through for the Credit Union is located on the first level of the parking garage.


    Work on Huger Hall continues to make nice progress. They are scheduled to be finished for Thanksgiving
    This is the entrance as seen from Tulane Ave.


    Clean up and drainage work continues to the rear of Huger. Baker Hall is to the rear of the camera.


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