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Thread: Campus Construction

  1. #337

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    I took photos on Friday this week because I will be cooking for tailgating on Saturday. Progress on Huger Hall continues. However, not much to show from the outside and most of the work is on inside. Brick work is just about finished. No photos of Huger this week because lots of work in the rose Garden.

    Constant chewing on Bonin this week leaves not much left standing. they should be finished taking it down by Sunday. A few photos of Bonin Demoliotion.

    Remains of the north end of Bonin Hall


    Remains of the Middle of Bonin Hall


    Remains of the South end of Bonin Hall


    More Bonin Demolition from a different view.


    Roof coming down


    Site prep work continues for one of the new Rose Garden dorms


    Geopier equipment moved in and ready to start work. The auger machine (on right) opens a vertical hole while the tamping machine (on left) compacts select material in the hole making a solid foundation. The company must do well because it's all brand new Cat equipment.


    White pin flags mark the locations for the Geopiers


    The red blob is a tent they use for staging and outdoor plan tables. I like the color.

  2. #338

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    New lights are going up around campus here are a few photos of some of them.

    Lights along St. Mary


    Lights in the quad


    All of the light poles and fixtures match other new light poles and fixtures recently installed on campus at other locations and along Johnston Street to Cajun Dome Blvd to the Research park. They are very nice

    A couple of views of the recently renovated Girard Hall. They gutted the building and did a very nice job inside. All new energy efficient windows.

    Note the same light poles and fixtures here too.



    A local Architectural firm Corne-Lamaire did the design work M.D. Descant was the contractor.

  3. #339

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Again, great pics. Thanks!
    The lights do look nice, very classy. It's amazing how the Quad looks, compared to the old dirt trails we had.

  4. #340

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by ULGrad@HOU View Post
    Again, great pics. Thanks!
    The lights do look nice, very classy. It's amazing how the Quad looks, compared to the old dirt trails we had.
    Yest the quad does look nice and I understand they are planning to improve the landscaping too.

  5. #341

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Huger hall is starting to look like a finished building. They have finished cleaning the brick work and they have the interior lights on at night. Ceiling fans are working to circulate air in the building. Here are a few shots of the exterior.

    Huger Hall as seen from Tulane ave. They have the decorative columns on site and will be installing them in the next few weeks.


    Huger Hall as seen from Taft Street


    Huger Hall as seen from the rear of Hamilton Hall


  6. #342

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Plenty of work on Bonin Hall this week here a re a few photos of Bonin Demolition on Tuesday October 4, 2011



    Here are a couple of photos from Sunday October 9, 2011 from the same veiw point.



    The remains of the mechanical equipment basement of Bonin Hall


    A very old cast iron water line that is still active. Working around these lines is hard because the break with a blink of the eye. They have new water line material stock piles on the site. It looks like they are increasing the size of the lines for added supply and for fire lines.


  7. #343

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Foundation prep work for one of the new rose garden dorms.


    Foundation work at another location for the same dorm.


  8. #344

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    It looks like they will make the deadline of finishing Huger by Thanksgiving with no problems. The amount of stored materials outdoors for Huger is getting less and less each week. Any new materials delivered goes directly inside.

    They are just about finished with the Credit Union offices and they should be moving in very soon. There is very little construction equipment and material left at that site. They had students playing a game of touch football on the band field today. Once they finish Huger it will be a very nice location on campus. It feels very good walking around there.

    With homecoming this week I hope that many of you from out of town can make the trip to Lafayette because photos do not do justice to the amount of work done on these projects.

  9. #345

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    They are cleaning up around Huger Residence Hall getting ready for side walks and other outside facilities. Just a little bit of caulking and other exterior finish work left to do. Here are a few photos of Huger on the weekend of October 15. There is still plenty of interior work to do though.

    Dressing up along the north facade of Huger. Hamilton is to the right.


    Cleaning up to the rear of Huger. Baker Hall is to the rear of the camera.


    Installing subsurface drainage to the rear of Huger. Baker is to the rear of the camera.


    Aggregate used as a working surface during construction is being removed so dress up and other outside work can continue. Huger to the right, Baker to the left and Hamilton to the rear center.


  10. #346

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Construction on the Rose Garden Halls has really taken off this week.

    Bonin Hall is gone.


    Remains of Mechanical Equipment Pit


    Making big ones into little ones. They lift the large concrete piece as high as they can and drop it on the pile below in an attempt to break it into smaller pieces.


    The ground shakes when it hits the pile. The scaffolding in the rear is for a second stair well for the first building under construction.


    Form work for first dorm, Harris Hall and final pile of Bonin concrete is to the rear


    First stair well to be constructed. Getting to third level of four.


    View of first stair well on Friday October 14. Harris Hall is to the rear. Photo taken from the driveway to my home.


  11. #347

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    A little fun.

    Two Cypress Lake Gators.


    Cypress Lake gator chillin out.


    Cypress Lake Gator with some friends.


  12. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Being so close, how was the noise when the buildings were being torn down?

    Thanks again by the way.

    Geaux Cajuns

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