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Thread: Campus Construction

  1. #325

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Brick work and other exterior work is finishing up. Looks like they got some precast concrete accent pieces in this week.

    Huger Hall as seen from Taft street.


    North facade of Huger Hall. Hamilton hall is to the left. Half of this side was bricked last week,


    Installing soffit and facia on Tulane Avenue Facade


    Literally a ton of copper went into this building. I don't think they are finished yet. Because copper is so expensive, empty spools are the only spools they leave out like this.


  2. #326

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Demolition of old Baker and Old Huger started this past Wednesday afternoon. They didn't waste any time. This is what it looked like on June 11, 2011. On Monday September 5, both buildings were standing with minimal demolition accomplished.


    This is the remains of old Baker Hall on Friday September 9, 2011


    Demolition of old Huger Hall on Friday September 9, 2011. The crane in the background is lifting materials for new Huger Hall on Tulane Ave.


    The remains of Baker-Huger on September 10, 2011


    The approximate location of the entrance to Baker Huger. Buchanan Hall is to the rear.


    The only building still standing that is scheduled for demolition is Bonin Hall. I suspect it won't be long although I saw that they had the top floor windows in Bonin sealed off like they were doing more asbestos remediation work.

  3. #327

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    construction on Huger Hall is progressing at a very rapid pace. These are photos taken on the afternoon of September 17 before I left for the football game.

    View of Huger Hall from the Taft Tulane Intersection.


    View of the rear of the south end of Huger Hall


    View of the rear of the north end of Huger Hall


    Close up of the attachment of one of many precast concrete accent pieces. (metal brackets at the middle and top sides of the unit)


    Left over sign from Denbo/Bancroft because not too much grass to park on here.


    Rear of Baker Hall showing more unsightly mechanical lines (the hose on the ground is for the grass sprinkler and is temporary).


    More mechanical lines. Gas lines cannot be installed under slabs (by code)


    The above two photos along with the photo a few weeks back are at similar locations on the building. I suspect that there is a fire wall in the building that either cannot be penetrated or the Fire Marshall said that it could not be penetrated (even with fire stopping). The fire Marshall enforced the NFPA Life Safety code to the "T" and they are really particular about dorm type occupancies.

    A very nice McKinley Street facade of the parking garage (It almost looks like a class room building). The credit Union offices are pretty close to being finished. I give them about 2 to 3 weeks.


    After speaking to the general Superintentent for Juneau I found out that the different brick color was intentional because they wanted to Identify the Credit Union as a different use in the same building.

  4. #328

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Old Baker and Huger Halls are debris piles

    Pick up truck is parked where Huger once stood two weeks ago.


    Debris pile of Baker Hall


    More debris piles


    Another view from the fire escape for Harris Hall. Bonin Hall is to the right. Dirt pile to the left is where Evangeline Hall once stood.


    Really starting to chew on Bonin Hall on Sunday September 18, 2011


    Another view of Bonin Demolition. The water stream is to keep the dust down.


  5. #329

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    View of construction (demolition) from the driveway to my home. I really am glad they sprayed water on the debris pile because the dust would be unbelievable.


  6. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Simply amazing stuff HelmutVII, I can't thank you enough.

    Geaux Cajuns

  7. #331

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    this is going to look incredible when completed

  8. #332

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Another good week of weather so plenty of work done.

    Demolition continues on Bonin Hall. This is a view from the rear of Randolph Hall.


    Bonin as seen from University Ave.


    More chewing on Bonin Hall as seen from the rear. McLauren Gym is to the right rear of the camera.


    Bonin Light fixture hanging on for dear life. (But not for long).


    Given that Bonin was a three story building and much bigger than Baker and Huger, it's taking a little longer to demolish. As usual, debris handling is the limiting factor. They could have taken the building down in three or four days but they would have had a mess on the ground and it would have taken forever to clean it up.

    Yellow pin flags mark the layout for foundation work for one of the new rose garden dorms. This is where Huger used to be. Debris from Bonin is in the background. Photo taken from the rear of Randolph.


    If they hold true to form the two new dorms to be built in the Rose garden area will be called Evangeline and Bonin.

  9. #333

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Cleaning and painting the exterior of Huger Hall.

    Cleaning Taft Street Facade.


    North facade of Huger. The dirty line on the brick between the second and third floor is where waste mortar was splashed on to the brick when it rained. Hamilton Hall is to the left. Taken from the top floor of the new parking garage.


    They spray a chemical cleaner on the brick, let it set a while and hit it with a pressure washer. They scrape or brush when needed.


    One of two caulking crews working today. The spools on the man lift are a foam backer rod. It is used to support the caulk if they have to span a deep or wide crack.


    The other caulking crew.


    Painting soffit and facia boards.


    Tucking bricks around precast concrete accent piece.


  10. #334

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    This is Baker Residence hall with the lights along the sidewalk finished. The students look like they are settling in nicely. There is plenty of activity in the evenings, plenty of light for safety and the campus police have regular foot patrols.


    Photo is taken from the new parking garage. They started moving furniture into the credit union offices so I suspect they will be moving in soon.

  11. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Are those the same style lights as the ones along the walk on Johnston Street and Cajun Dome Blvd?

  12. #336

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Are those the same style lights as the ones along the walk on Johnston Street and Cajun Dome Blvd?
    Sure are Turb.

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