New Huger hall is progressing at a rapid rate. Here are a few photos taken today August 20, 2011
New Huger Hall as seen from the new Parking Garage. New Baker to the right and Hamilton Hall to the left.
New Huger Hall as seen from Taft - Tulane intersection
Taft Street facade of New Huger hall
Tulane Avenue facade. Brick masons got busy last week. LUS has shifted the overhead power lines over to reduce the chance of contact with the transmission lines.
New Huger as seen from new parking garage. Hamilton hall is in the foreground.
Another view of new Huger Hall from the new parking garage. New Baker roof is in foreground. The amount of roof structure gives you an appreciation of haw large the buildings are. However, the photgraph does not do it justice. You have to be there to really take it all in.