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Thread: Campus Construction

  1. #313

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    New Huger hall is progressing at a rapid rate. Here are a few photos taken today August 20, 2011

    New Huger Hall as seen from the new Parking Garage. New Baker to the right and Hamilton Hall to the left.


    New Huger Hall as seen from Taft - Tulane intersection


    Taft Street facade of New Huger hall


    Tulane Avenue facade. Brick masons got busy last week. LUS has shifted the overhead power lines over to reduce the chance of contact with the transmission lines.


    New Huger as seen from new parking garage. Hamilton hall is in the foreground.


    Another view of new Huger Hall from the new parking garage. New Baker roof is in foreground. The amount of roof structure gives you an appreciation of haw large the buildings are. However, the photgraph does not do it justice. You have to be there to really take it all in.


  2. #314

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    New Parking Garage is partially open to the public.

    A view from Taft Street - New Baker is to the right, Taft Street Parking Garage and Angelle Hall ar to the left.


    Cavernous interior ramp of the parking garage this is either the fourth or fifth level.


    East side top level ramp of the new Parking Garage. The deck is coated for water proofing.


    Landscaping of walk way between Hamilton Hall and new Parking Garage being done today.


    One of the many weld plates used to connect the individual precast panels. The field weld is on the left.


  3. #315

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Demolition of Rose Garden dorms has started.

    Evangeline Hall was leveled today in about an hour. Here are two views of what is left.



    Demolition of Baker Dorm was started but they uncovered some steel beams covered with fireproofing material. They stopped until they could run a test to see if it contained Asbestos. (It probably does).



    The steel with the potential ACM is the horizontal member to the left of the top of what was a stair well. This is one of the Hays Town dorms that caused the fuss in the paper last week. There is nothing extraordinary about these buildings. Once all the landscaping is removed the buildings look like they were from his Auschwitz period (LOL). If they had not found the potential ACM this building would have been leveled today also.

  4. #316

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    the photgraph does not do it justice. You have to be there to really take it all in.
    Meant to say this earlier but I just got home after 2 weeks of working in Ohio. Know that the pictures were greatly appreciated while I was up there.

    I finally got a chance to drive by the other day and it really was impressive in person. The new dorms are large, well done, and they fit in well with the rest of campus. And the parking garage is well hidden behind the massive oaks and not overly imposing. It looks great and will continue to look great for years to come.

  5. #317

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    New Huger is still progressing nicely.

    A view of New Huger from Tulane Ave


    New Huger Taft Street facade.


    New huger from the rear of new Baker. New Baker is behind the camera.


    Another view of new Huger from behind new Baker.


  6. #318

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Looks like asbestos has put the brakes on demolition of the rose Garden dorms.

    Evangeline Hall debris pile getting smaller.


    Exploratory demolition of Bonin Hall. Might be looking for more asbestos or looking at the structure to determine demolition method.


    Exploratory demolition of old Baker hall. Could be looking for more asbestos.

    old baker1

  7. #319

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    The parking garage is open to the public except for the Credit Union office.

    A view of the parking garage from the rear of Angelle Hall. The Angelle Hall auditorium is to the left.]


    A view of the Mc Kinley Street facade. This is the entrance next Angelle Hall auditorium which is to the right.


    Oops. Looks like a punch list item.


    Almost finished renovated front of OK Allen Hall. The brick work to he left is for a planter that hides a handicapped ramp. This building will house Student health services and counseling and testing. Two services that are currently in building scheduled for demolition for the Student Union renovation.


  8. #320

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Tropical Storm Lee dropped 8.5 inches of rain on the site from Friday to Sunday. These are a few photos taken on Monday September 5, 2011. Looks like Asbestos has demolition ground to a halt. Maybe we will see some progress this coming week.

    This is the remains of Evangeline Hall. Buchanan Hall is to the rear Bonin Hall is to the right. Harris hall is to the rear of the camera.


    The north end of Bonin Hall. The debris pile is pipe from Evangeline Hall


    The Middle section of Bonin Hall.


    The South end of Bonin Hall


    These photos were taken from the fire escape on Harris Hall. I'm thinking this will be a good viewpoint to show weekly progress.

  9. #321

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Construction on Huger Hall continues to progress.

    North Facade of Huger Hall as seen from Tulane Avenue. Hamilton Hall is to the right.


    South facade of Huger Hall as seen from Taft Tulane intersection. It looks like they don't have the precast decorative insets (between the second and third floor windows) and they are leaving the spaces open for now.


    North Facade of Huger Hall. Hamilton Hall is to the left and Baker is to the rear and right.


    Rear of Huger Hall. Baker Hall is to the rear of the camera.


    OOPS, some really bad mechanical and electrical planning at one of the rear entrances to Baker Hall.


  10. Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    OOPS, some really bad mechanical and electrical planning at one of the rear entrances to Baker Hall.
    That is why they have landscape designers---Is it a mess up or what???? from the no clue department!!!!

  11. #323

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    That is why they have landscape designers---Is it a mess up or what???? from the no clue department!!!!
    sure they can have it hidden by landscaping but you certainly don't like to have areas that can potentially be problems, this was definitely a mistake

  12. #324

    Default Re: Campus Construction

    To be fair, they don't plan on completing the landscaping here until they finish both dorms. However, it does not appear to be well thought out. We will see if the same thing happens on Huger at the same spot. If it does then it was intended to be that way and if not then they made a mistake on Baker. (Or they figured out a better way to do it on Huger)

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