The asbestos removal is completed on the Rose Garden Dorms. Waiting on clearance on Monday to proceed with demolition on Wednesday. Found much more asbestos then originally anticipated resulting in longer time and more money. Two feet of contaminated soil had to be removed from under Old Baker, Old Huger and Bonin. It should not take too long to demolish the buildings. Debris removal will be the limiting factor.
Football players and soccer players moved into new Baker on August 3. Only a few minor things left to do on New Baker. Parking garage is set to be used for parking on August 11. Credit Union will be ready in late September. New Huger is on schedule to be finished before Thanksgiving.
New Baker August 7, 2011 with sod rolls waiting to be installed on Band field

Ground level view of sod installation with New Baker in the background. The photo shows the turtleback on the field. There should be no water standing on the field. The grass is a drought tolerant hybrid Bermuda that is resistant to herbicides. Supposedly very easy to maintain.

Sod rolls waiting to be laid out. A bobcat skid steer loader picks up the roll and lays the entire roll down in less then a minute.

New Huger hall as seen from the corner of Tulane and Taft.

New sidewalk between Parking Garage and Angelle Hall.

New sidewalk between Parking garage on right and Hamilton Hall on left. The garage is about as wide as it could be with very little room between Hamilton and Angelle. The garage is not sprinkled and lets hope a car does not catch fire in the garage.

I will wait to do the monthly comparison next week because both the parking garage and New Baker will be occupied by then. Eight months to complete a new Dorm and in their spare time they built a 1000 car parking garage, demoed two 7 story dorms and started building another dorm. Not too shabby.