View Poll Results: Should Don Allen once again be "The Voice of the Cajuns"?

85. This poll is closed
  • What were they thinking...Most definetly!

    28 32.94%
  • It would be nice, but not a big deal.

    16 18.82%
  • NO Way..hurray for Jay!

    31 36.47%
  • Who is Don Allen?

    10 11.76%
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Thread: Bring Back "The Voice of the Cajuns"

  1. Default

    Jay Walker is a plug. I can't stand his "Yankee" attitude towards things. I would love to have Don back. Don is good and knows the game.

  2. Default

    Dam "Yankee" Northern attitude. I heard the same thing. That poor guy Paul that calls in on the radio is his "_____." Walker is so rude to that poor man, it makes me so dam mad!!!
    I really don't see either what they see (UL) in this dude. I love the stupid people who call in to him and ask him questions about sports. Cracks me up to listen to that B.S. I know radio is some sort of entertainment but w/ this guy it seems that people are "bothering" him on the air. BRING BACK DON ALLEN PLEASE!!!

  3. Default

    Dunk you very much.

  4. Default

    Jay has gotten better, but Don is the best.

  5. #29


    Having known all three announcers I think they are cut from the same mould. I like Jaybird...he has paid his dues and the others have moved on...end of story

  6. #30


    Jay calls it more less right down the middle. Yeah, I'm wondering why we are having this discussion. This is not even thinking about being close. Don is not THAT bad, but he can't hold Jay's jock.

    Later On....

    P.S. FINALLY AberGame HAS COME stay.

  7. #31


    Don Allen??? no #@#$ way.....

    Jay Walker loves the Cajuns

    Don Allen loves Don Allen......

  8. Default

    You must know Don and Jay pretty well.

  9. #33


    Originally posted by JustRagin
    You must know Don and Jay pretty well.
    Is that sarcasm?? hard to tell on the net...

    I don't know either of the gentlemen personally... I listen to jay and if there is one individual more excited when the Cajuns do well than him I'd like to meet them... Unless it is ME!!!!!!

    Don Allen never seemed to understand that he was not the voice of the Yankees... One case in point from many years ago... It was when the Cajuns made it to the NIT Final Four.... I bought 4 tickets to the games thinking another couple was coming with us... At the last minute they could not and I said dont worry I'll try to sell those in New York... Well the day of the first game there is the hotel love fest with all of the Cajun Fans milling around. I see Don standing in the lobby and I figure he might know if someone needed tickets... So i aproached and asked id he did.. he sort of looked down with total disdain that I had dared to enter his space.. and summarily dismissed me with hardly a comment...since that time I have watched him from afar and nothing from that encounter seems to have changed...He acts as though he is a fraking movie star...

    Ran into Jay and his wife a few years back in Southeastern of all places. The game for some reason was not being broadcast but they were in the stands.. score book in hand... We had a wonderful time watching the game together and his genuine love of the university was evident...

    No contest

  10. Default

    I understand your is well taken. "Final Four", that was definetly a long time ago! In dealing with can like someone, not care for someone, or not have an opionion. This totally personal obviously. But as for talent and representation of a scenario which must be invisioned....being basketball, or you put it.."No Contest". Don't get me wrong..Jay is good..but sometimes it's nice to have the best that can be offered. And if things didn't go down(from what I understand and have been informed) we could still have the best.

  11. Default Re: Bring Back "The Voice of the Cajuns"


    Someone actually referred to Don freakin Allen as "The Best"? That is the funniest thing I've ever far. What a moron, dude has to ear for talent apparently, lmao. Thanks dude, I needed that laugh.

  12. #36

    Default Re: Bring Back "The Voice of the Cajuns"

    We Have the Voice of The Cajuns...His name is Jay Walker

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