any of the names look familiar? hope this is not the same person but the name and the problem seem the same
Here is a hint, M.S.
any of the names look familiar? hope this is not the same person but the name and the problem seem the same
Here is a hint, M.S.
Predictable Travesty.Originally posted by SwampHound
any of the names look familiar? hope this is not the same person but the name and the problem seem the sameHere is a hint, M.S.
You always hope for the best and are saddened but not shocked when you see a life long pattern continue.
Cut the ties, cut the ties.
ARRESTS Williams, Cedric Dewayne, 22, Houston obstruction of justice, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Southall, Michael Benjamin, 22, 100 block of Oakcrest Drive, driving wrong way, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Story found in 03-13-2005 Advertiser
So much talent yet they let it go to many of us on this board got behind them not as basketball players but as men to turn their life around but its hard when they had no intention of helping themselves.
I wish them the best of luck and hope they one day they can realize where they went wrong and change it.
It's very sad indeed to see someone with so much open to him, throw some much away. It's true that one bad apple ruins the whole bunch. Our sports programs are only going to succeed with class, dedicated students, who want to represent UL and themselves with dignity.
Charactor counts.
Decision MADE. See ya, CW, MS.
Wow! Gotta be a mental illness! Damn!
I know we have all said it before, and I will say it again.
I hope these guys can turn things around.
Is anyone surprised? Surely not!
I don't think I'm surprised just disappointed that they both would not make the most of this new oppotunity they had. I defended them when a lot of people said we shouldn't bring them back and give them another chance. I still don't think i was wrong in trying to support them getting another chance to turn things around but they missed that opportunity and now its time to let them go.
They were shown the 24/7 road back to recovery but they never took it.
I have a very good friend who is a recovering alcoholic. He says that until an addict admits,truthfully, that he has an addiction he will not succeed in overcoming his addiction. Intervention can help him admit that he has a serious problem, but that each addict's "elevator" stops at a different floor. Sometimes that floor is the gutter. I just hope for their sake, and that of their families, the elevator stops at a much higher level.
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