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Thread: UL vs Rice

  1. #169

    Default Re: UL vs Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by GoneGolfin View Post
    _ Of course, the type of gun and calibration makes a difference. I do not know what Rice uses, but it is probably a Stalker. Not many folks use Juggs anymore (which picks up the pitch as it leaves the hand and thus yields a higher reading). I do remember watching several games with Humber and Townsend at Reckling several years back. Townsend was consistently 95 -> 98 at Reckling ... and when they were at the CWS, he was getting similar readings.

    Was the 90-91 you mention above using the gun at Moore Field? Because that gun is known to be about 4->5 mph slow.

    Brian _

    I'm not sure they have any other gun besides that one. I was told they either had or were going to purchase a stalker gun. Since he hasn't pitched much until recently, I haven't seen what he was hitting on any gun this season.

  2. UL Baseball Re: UL vs Rice

    Way to Geaux Kellogg

    Attached Images Attached Images  

    Geaux Cajuns

  3. UL Baseball Re: UL vs Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    _ Juggs, Brian?? _
    Now Z ... you could have posted that anonymously (without your handle) and I still would have known precisely, the identity of the poster.


  4. UL Baseball Re: UL vs Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ Need help for my wife's questions---Can somebody list the height and weight of Ron Guidry while playing and Kellog at present???? Thanks!!!
    About 5'11" (being generous, I always thought he was more like 5'9", 5'10") and 160 lbs.

    Kellogg is listed at 5'11" and 171 lbs.. Not sure how much of that is embellishment (if any).


  5. Default Re: UL vs Rice

    Quote Originally Posted by GoneGolfin View Post
    _ About 5'11" (being generous, I always thought he was more like 5'9", 5'10") and 160 lbs.

    Kellogg is listed at 5'11" and 171 lbs.. Not sure how much of that is embellishment (if any).

    Brian _
    Thanks---I figured that about Ron and she thought much taller!!!

  6. #174

    Default Re: UL vs Rice

    Real nice win against Rice....but still gotta take care of western on the road

  7. Default Re: UL vs Rice

    I know that the top 25 isn't all that important, but if we do extremely well on this road trip, say lose one or two games, could we get some consideration for a spot?

  8. #176

    Default Re: UL vs Rice

    Doubt it....maybe receive a few votes but doubt seriously we break the top 25..... And it also depends on what the rest of the top 25 does

  9. #177

    Default Re: UL vs Rice

    18 LOB is a new record at rice in the Graham era. 17 was the old record... Geaux Cajuns!

  10. #178


    Our team era must be dropping more and more each week, pitchers have been AMAZING this season. I dont care if we win every game with 2 or 5 wins, as long as our pitching staff shuts down the other team like this. I know we gave up walks and a few HBP, but to not allow a run after leaving like 15 runners on base. That is clutch pitching at it's finest!

  11. #179


    Quote Originally Posted by CajunsHat View Post
    Our team era must be dropping more and more each week, pitchers have been AMAZING this season. I dont care if we win every game with 2 or 5 wins, as long as our pitching staff shuts down the other team like this. I know we gave up walks and a few HBP, but to not allow a run after leaving like 15 runners on base. That is clutch pitching at it's finest!
    Edit: 2 or 5 runs

  12. #180


    Quote Originally Posted by GoneGolfin View Post
    Cajun90 had Kellogg hitting 96 on the gun more than once with an 80 mph slider.

    Sounds about right. He was registering 88-89 when he let it go at home on the radar gun. Typically 5-7 mph off.

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