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Thread: hard proof girls make better teammates

  1. #1

    Default hard proof girls make better teammates

    Last night at my kids Softball game, our 2nd baseman broke her Bra.(Dont know how, and whats more didnt want to know). So she comes out to the bleachers where the JV is sitting and asks to borrow one of theirs. My niece says, "What size?" She says, "It dont matter, I can stuff em into anything." Well, my niece stepped up. Needless to say, everything worked out after a quick change in the bathroom. I bet you will never here the question asked at a boys game, "Hey man, I broke my jock strap, can i get yours?"

  2. #2

    Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    Haha...that's funny. But Its kind of different, with what part of the body the garments are protecting...know what I mean? Lol

  3. #3

    Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    That was good JB that made me laugh.

  4. #4

    Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    and the bad thing is, you cant make something like that up. True story

  5. #5

    Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    I would guarantee if it where two young men you would not hear size dont matter I can stuff it in any size.

  6. #6

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnboy4713 View Post
    _ Last night at my kids Softball game, our 2nd baseman broke her Bra.(Dont know how, and whats more didnt want to know). So she comes out to the bleachers where the JV is sitting and asks to borrow one of theirs. My niece says, "What size?" She says, "It dont matter, I can stuff em into anything." Well, my niece stepped up. Needless to say, everything worked out after a quick change in the bathroom. I bet you will never here the question asked at a boys game, "Hey man, I broke my jock strap, can i get yours?" _
    If I can borrow a phrase: I don't care who you are, now that’s funny right there.

  7. #7

    Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnboy4713 View Post
    _ Last night at my kids Softball game, our 2nd baseman broke her Bra.(Dont know how, and whats more didnt want to know). So she comes out to the bleachers where the JV is sitting and asks to borrow one of theirs. My niece says, "What size?" She says, "It dont matter, I can stuff em into anything." Well, my niece stepped up. Needless to say, everything worked out after a quick change in the bathroom. I bet you will never here the question asked at a boys game, "Hey man, I broke my jock strap, can i get yours?" _
    Look...if that ever happens around here and my wife and I are at the game...I'll offer my wife's in a heart beat. Just trying to do anything and everything to support my team!

  8. #8

    Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    my wife just sit there, talk about lack of team spirit

  9. Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnboy4713 View Post
    _ Last night at my kids Softball game, our 2nd baseman broke her Bra.(Dont know how, and whats more didnt want to know). So she comes out to the bleachers where the JV is sitting and asks to borrow one of theirs. My niece says, "What size?" She says, "It dont matter, I can stuff em into anything." Well, my niece stepped up. Needless to say, everything worked out after a quick change in the bathroom. I bet you will never here the question asked at a boys game, "Hey man, I broke my jock strap, can i get yours?" _
    I was coaching my daughter's kid team and the mother of one of the older girls came up before practice and informed me that I shouldn't be too hard on her daughter that day----She had started her period------Ah yea right---oh ok ----well sure ----HELP!!!!!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ I was coaching my daughter's kid team and the mother of one of the older girls came up before practice and informed me that I shouldn't be too hard on her daughter that day----She had started her period------Ah yea right---oh ok ----well sure ----HELP!!!!!! _
    Boomer your response was a punch in my gut, slap in my face, holy crap what am I in for. I have 2 stepdaughters (11,8) and a 5 month old daughter. I swear if I start wearing skirts in a few years, I hope my friends (any drunk from section A) takes me out back and shoots me.


  11. Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    Quote Originally Posted by rgncjn12 View Post
    _ Boomer your response was a punch in my gut, slap in my face, holy crap what am I in for. I have 2 stepdaughters (11,8) and a 5 month old daughter. I swear if I start wearing skirts in a few years, I hope my friends (any drunk from section A) takes me out back and shoots me.

    GEAUX UL! _
    Good luck my friend ---besides the afore-mentioned----get ready for shaving of the legs---the use of make-up----can I stay at ????s house---the first BOYFRIEND----Why can't I hang with the slutty girls----The first car date---the first her only with a guy date---I think I want to go to LSU---- Mr. G, I want to marry your daughter!!!! When confronted on the shaving of legs my friend said, "the top of one and the bottom of the other"---response---I HATE YOU!!!! LOL

  12. #12

    Default Re: hard proof girls make better teammates

    Guy Billups comes to my house one day to drop off his highlight tape. We are standing in the driveway talking about recruiting when my daughters school bus pulls up and she gets off. She goes by us at like 100 miles per hour into the house and slams the door. I shake the kids hand, he gets in his truck to leave, I walk in the house and get chewed out by my 14 year old daughter for not "Introducing her to that beautiful boy"

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