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Thread: 2005-06 Volunteer Days

  1. Ragin' Cajuns V4 - 2005 - Volunteer Days - United Louisiana Cajuns

    Whatever duty called them, be it pruning the trees or carrying out 20-year-old trash from unused concession stands, dozens of volunteers descended upon the University of Louisiana's athletic facilities for a much-needed facelift during the weekend.

    The work started Friday afternoon, with a handful of people coming out just to help and get started on the weekend's larger tasks, including pressure washing nearly every surface they can reach.

    Some volunteers said they went just to give back a little bit to the university.

    "The university gives a lot to the community and the community needs to give a little bit back. Say what you want, but Lafayette's a college town," said Lee Venable, whose son, Justin, plays football for the Ragin' Cajuns. "We don't mind helping out a bit. We take real pride in the university and to help them out is great. The players appreciate it; the coaches appreciate it. They work hard all year so the least we can give them is a weekend."

    The rest of the story

    Jordan Hernandez

    Joe Handy and Lee Venable going from one job to the next.
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  2. Ragin' Cajuns V5 Comes Alive at Cajun Basin

    Thanks IBERIA BANK

    Soft Shell Crabs Yum Yum!
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  3. Default Re: V5 Comes Alive at Cajun Basin

    The Iberia Bank Fuel Crew . . .
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  4. #52

    Default report.. (huh?)

    same guys i passed when leaving.. i did not have a camera so i did not get such "attention" .. as i stopped in front of their trailer thing.. (grins)

    although, i bank at iberia bank..

    my thinking that fact might have counted for something.. (well of course how would they know.. i only had legends, espn1420 and lafayette high school stickers on my truck) ... (smiles)
    ps. shame on me for not making "anyone" aware that has the ability to send the rage page 10 25 0r 50 bucks or more a month, and does not... to help defray turbines costs to run this cajun's site.. go do delphi is my thinking.. (sorry jon for my "mr bitterness" .. tee-hee)

    pss. anyone besides me thinks jake had less fun in this picture than the one i will post next? (tee-hee)

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  5. #53

    Default Re: volunteer update/complaining

    WOW!! What a day! So much going on in so many areas....Track, Tennis, Baseball, Football, etc. People everywhere cleaning & Painting. Fantastic food! Everything is looking great! And the wall is done. It's red and it looks great. Everyone was asking why the heck wasn't this done years ago. I thought 20 or 30 of us would be rolling on it all day, but a professional painter (volunteer) showed up with a power sprayer. He did it in only a few hours. People were just standing around "gawking" at it. It looks sooooooooo different! Coach Bustle & his wife were both painting along with Coach Hudson. Mayor Durel showed up and was put to work just like the rest of us.
    Again, you will be surprised when you see the "new look" inside the stadium. There are a few more things to finish tomorrow. (11:00 to 4:00?) See ya out there. I'm feeling "Cajun Proud!"

  6. Default Re: V5 Comes Alive at Cajun Basin

    the Vermilion flowed through Cajun Track.

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  7. Default Re: V5 Comes Alive at Cajun Basin

    Eric Mitchell was there when the Vermilion flowed through Cajun Field.

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  8. #56

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: V5 Comes Alive at Cajun Basin

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    Eric Mitchell was there when the Vermilion flowed through Cajun Field.
    That wall really looks great, and the food was even better. Thanks Bobby, Glen, Vance, and everybody that cooked it was to "die for"!!!


  9. #57

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: volunteer update/complaining

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58
    WOW!! What a day! So much going on in so many areas....Track, Tennis, Baseball, Football, etc. People everywhere cleaning & Painting. Fantastic food! Everything is looking great! And the wall is done. It's red and it looks great. Everyone was asking why the heck wasn't this done years ago. I thought 20 or 30 of us would be rolling on it all day, but a professional painter (volunteer) showed up with a power sprayer. He did it in only a few hours. People were just standing around "gawking" at it. It looks sooooooooo different! Coach Bustle & his wife were both painting along with Coach Hudson. Mayor Durel showed up and was put to work just like the rest of us.
    Again, you will be surprised when you see the "new look" inside the stadium. There are a few more things to finish tomorrow. (11:00 to 4:00?) See ya out there. I'm feeling "Cajun Proud!"
    RedBug, did you give the Mayor a ride on the fiber optic loop!!!!!!!! Fiber Passed!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Default Re: volunteer update/complaining

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    RedBug, did you give the Mayor a ride on . . .
    He gave me a couple of rides, I wasn't worthy, I May or may not be offered again.

    ps how is the super toe?
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  11. Default Re: V5 Comes Alive at Cajun Basin

    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyCajun
    That wall really looks great, and the food was even better. Thanks Bobby, Glen, Vance, and everybody that cooked it was to "die for"!!!
    And thanks CajunJudo and DaddyCajun.
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  12. Default Re: V5 Comes Alive at Cajun Basin

    Thanks Rickey and Lynn Bustle. This is so cool.

    Is Lynn wearing the perfect hat for the occasion or what?

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