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Thread: You gotta be kidding me!

  1. #13


    Look in today's edition of the VERMILION they are advertising for sports writers.

  2. #14


    CDeb's back in school I heard.... and I hope our SID is looking for work...

  3. #15


    Originally posted by gorcajun
    Look in today's edition of the VERMILION they are advertising for sports writers.
    Yours truly has already applied and will probably start writing next week.

  4. #16


    Originally posted by Pirogue
    I hope our SID is looking for work...
    maybe Tulane has an opening

  5. #17


    Originally posted by BabbForHeisman
    Yours truly has already applied and will probably start writing next week.
    I hope that works out

  6. #18


    Originally posted by SwampHound
    I hope that works out
    Anybody see the Vermilion today? Not bad for my first article.

    By the way, the version I turned in did not include the word "Lafayette" anywhere. They edited it in.

  7. #19



    I was in Lafayette this weekend, but I didn't know the Verm "fixed" their sports-journalist problem, so I didn't bother picking a copy up.

    Now we just need to work on their editor.
    Next time they edit in Lafayette, they sleep with the sac-a-lait!

  8. #20


    Great job im glad to see the problem has been fixed.

  9. Default

    My app goes in tomorrow...

  10. What a Downer

    Originally posted by RaginCajun08
    They will be future writers for the Sadvertiser.
    a.k.a. Daily Advertiger

  11. #23


    Please dont tell me that buckman is the guy runnen the vermilion.

  12. #24


    Awesome, glad to see someone step up to the plate! Are you strictly sports? or do you do other areas as well? That is b.s. about the lafayette, you need to set them straight! And if you dont mind, find out from your editor the real reason why they use lafayette, I would love to know! good job!

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