Got to love it!!! Cajun Fans, this is what is left to be done, and we need your help, yes I am talking to you, yeh YOU!!!
1st Base boxes and cooking area not started yet.
Cement from right infront of the concession area rapped left around the corner by the peanut man and rapped right around to the 1st base dugout.
Cement behind the 3rd base bleachers infront of the club house!
Also the cement at the base of the 1st base stands.
The Painting will be Finished by Doc and Art each doing seperate areas of the dugout tops!!
If time permits two small green wooden fences
If one person from each boxseat would put in just ONE hour we could knock it out in time. That my friends just won't happen.
Maybe Stevee-P and S-Note will give us some plugs in their am/pm shows and get to more of our fan base!!!!!
Lovin the Clean version of the Tigue, come love it with US!!!!