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Thread: Cleaning the Tigue

  1. #37


    Just a thought, but what about getting some local high schoolers who need community service hours from time to time to come in and clean this or that. Maybe give them a free T-shirt or something. It serves 2 purposes in getting things cleaned and possibly getting some youngsters involved in Cajun Athletics. I ask because my nephew was looking for something to do last weekend for community service hours.

    Just my $.02

  2. #38


    Organize it and see it through, great idea I just do not have the time to implement it!

    Thanks Big Earl,

    ps Get out here if your able even 2-3hrs would be great!!

  3. UL Football cleaniong of cajun field

    Why can't we carry this over to cajun field. I've never understood why our athletic department has never went to the sherriff(a former player)and had him clean send his wprk detail of prisoners clean both up and turn an eyesore and an embarrassment back into the gems that they can both be

  4. #40


    Sounds great, set it up and see it through!!!

  5. #41

    UL Baseball Day FIVE of Tigue Spring Clean Up.....Not Finished Yet...HELP!!!

    Whew!!!!!! Got to love it!!! Cajun Fans, this is what is left to be done, and we need your help, yes I am talking to you, yeh YOU!!!

    1st Base boxes and cooking area not started yet.
    Cement from right infront of the concession area rapped left around the corner by the peanut man and rapped right around to the 1st base dugout.
    Cement behind the 3rd base bleachers infront of the club house!
    Also the cement at the base of the 1st base stands.
    The Painting will be Finished by Doc and Art each doing seperate areas of the dugout tops!!
    If time permits two small green wooden fences

    If one person from each boxseat would put in just ONE hour we could knock it out in time. That my friends just won't happen.

    Maybe Stevee-P and S-Note will give us some plugs in their am/pm shows and get to more of our fan base!!!!!

    Daddy Cajun Lovin the Clean version of the Tigue, come love it with US!!!!

  6. #42


    I don't have any equipment (but a worn out old body), but I will be there to help around 4:00PM.

    I can come earlier if need be. Just let me know by emailing me at or calling me at 288-9271.

  7. #43


    I'll be there (again) tonight. What's the schedule for this weekend?

    Passed by at lunch, it looks even better in the day light.

  8. #44


    Saturday I will be there between 3-4pm to get started! Feel free to go sooner. May have to call Tina for a key! Call me thru Turbine or find my number on one of the post. OH here it is use sparingly 337-344-8283.


  9. #45



    Between last night and this morning, I was able to complete the cement (3 base side) from the ice machine around the peanut stand up to the club house and the stairs leading up to the 3 base bleachers. I also pressure washed the field side of the brick backstop between the dugouts. There is still a small section in front of the concession stand and the wrap around walkway on the 1st base side.

    One gas can is empty and the other only has about 1/4 left (or less). Most of the hoses are in the 3 bas dug out.

    A couple of people stopped by said that they would try to come out Sunday.

    There is still a ton left to do, so anyone with some spare time and a pressure washer come on out.

  10. #46

    UL Baseball Tigue Spring Cleaning ....Continues Today 4pm on!!

    Although the Bollichs are now at the Tigue pressure washing the upwards of the stadium the ground pressure washers will continue from 4pm on today! Sunday Jerremy Robichaux will be at the Tique all day time starting will be posted later! This could do it! If not there is Monday and Tuesday, but ALL will be finished prior to Wednesdays Game with McNeese!

    Be the Reason get into the Cleaning!!


  11. #47

    Ragin' Cajuns

    I can be there from 7-12 noon I have somewhere I need to be at 2pm. I can bring one pressure washer but if someone else will be there that needs one I can bring a second one. Please reply before Sunday Morning. Also I am sure that there still are things that need to be done please post them before Sunday morning so I can be prepared to work on them as well. If no one posts is it ok to assume that it is complete? It will save me a 30 mile trip...


  12. Default

    Originally posted by Lil_Robi
    I can be there from 7-12 noon I have somewhere I need to be at 2pm. . . . .

    . . . . If no one posts is it ok to assume that it is complete? It will save me a 30 mile trip...

    With an offer like that I can't believe no one came through.

    Geaux Cajuns

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