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Thread: Cleaning the Tigue

  1. #25


    Hammer, we do need some armor-all to wipe down the pads behind homeplate and the pads on the dugout rails! If anyone can not come help with the labor maybe some of you can donate the Armor-all?!!?!?!?


  2. #26

    UL Baseball DaddyCajun and Crew Tigue Bound

    DaddyCajun just posting prior to leaving to get out to the Tigue that I am bringing my pressure washer, please bring yours if you have one.

    Tonight may be more of a night of seeing who all can and will show up and with what. Should be at the field by 5:30pm!


  3. #27

    UL Baseball Where was the help? Tigue Spring Clean??

    :confused: Cajun fans, Where are the helpers?:confused: Sid and myself were the only help to show up at the Tigue! Tina, Robes secretary is to talk with Robe tonight when he gets to his room in Hawaii, to go over with her issuing keys to me and supplies for the Spring Cleaning!!

    Hose bibs, and hoses were located tonight and a priority plan of action was laid out tonight by Sid and DaddyCajun.

    With Two pressure washers and Two people NOT much will get done! This is our chance to show up and get things done! We should on a board this size and word of mouth be able to get more than Two pressure washers and Two Cajun fans to spring clean the stadium.

    One day is lost now, here is hoping we stand up as Pround Cajun fans and get this done for Robe, the players, and the program. I do not want to turn the keys into robe and little to nothing was done at the Tigue!

    Tuesday March 1st at 4p.m. I will be at the field pressure washing and waiting for our Cajun Spring Cleaning Crew to arrive. Come at anytime after 4, better late than never. I will leave the lights on for you!! Keys to parts of the stadium have been given to me to turn on the lights as most of us work and can only donate a few evening hours, and that would be GREAT. Believe me having 3 kids of my own, a wife, 3 businesses, and a JOB, I know about being busy.

    This was just an opportune with the team in Hawaii
    for a week to get the Spring cleaning done. Food will be provided by O'Charlies, Rasing Caine, and Chick Filet!

    Armor-all is needed to wipe down the pads behind home plate and the pads on the dougouts. Dougout roofs are to have the Ragin Cajun logo repainted by us also!!

    DaddyCajun looking forward to First Annual Spring Cleaning!!!

  4. #28

    Default Re: Where was the help? Tigue Spring Clean??

    Originally posted by DaddyCajun
    :confused: Cajun fans, Where are the helpers?:confused: Sid and myself were the only help to show up at the Tigue! Tina, Robes secretary is to talk with Robe tonight when he gets to his room in Hawaii.
    That's not how Tom Sawyer did it.

  5. #29


    I can bring some Armor-all wipes, but it won't be until about 8 p.m. if that's ok. I work until 7 so if ya'll will be around I can make it then.

  6. Default

    i went around there about 4:30-4:45 walked into the stadium and saw no one (sorry) and tonight i have to go out of town....i couldn't understanding what was happening, i will try again wednesday

  7. #31


    RedBug is coming out to the Tigue tonight!!!!!

  8. #32

    UL Baseball Tigue Spring Cleaning Update!!!!

    Work is fun??? Fun at Work!! Thanks to a great group of young men and Women as Day 2 of Tigue Spring Cleaning was very productive!!

    The Outfield fence washing COMPLETE!

    Both Dug Out roofs have been painted Black and will be restriped(a baseball then ragin cajuns then the circle Louisiana Ragin Cajun)will be painted Wednesday or Thursday or Friday depending on Weather and help.

    Dugout and behind home plate padding armor-alled complete!

    Pressure washing with one washer was slow but productive as tomorrow 3-4 units will be in action :confused: Weather permitting:confused:

    Guys this was tuff but very fun and rewarding.

    Thanks for Rasing Cain for feeding us today

    Doc painted the dugouts and the Advocate is coming back by tomorrow or whenever the weather is nice to get a shot of Doc and Art painting the logos atop the dugouts!!

    Redbug and Two of his daughters along with Mike(peanut mans son) myself, turbine and Sid completed the outfield fence washing!

    Sid and DaddyCajun pressure washed the entrance way on pass the Gameday Sponsor board today. Night and Day difference!!!

    Tomorrow or whenever the rain lets us we need bodies to run the 3-6 pressure washers needed to complete the job. We will have 3 washers as of 6p.m. Wednesday and Two as of NOON!!

    One pressure washer per line(box seat area) Two on the front side concrete walking area infront of stadium This should do it but more units would get it done faster and FOR CERTAIN

    Some Green fencing needs to be repainted great for service hours for the kids and mom or dad to do together! RedBugs Two Super Daughters put in each TWO hours of service work for their school! Thanks Girls you did a great JOB, Coach Robe will be proud to hear this of your great service!!

    I must echo RedBugs post that the second best thing to NOT being in Hawaii watching LOUISIANA BASEBALL crush the Shockers, was being out at the Tigue under the LIGHTS working next to a Great Group of Super Cajun FANS!!!


    WEDNESDAY 3-2-2005 4:30 TILL 9p.m.

    Daddy Cajun

  9. #33


    Turbine don't forget to charge the battery!!

  10. Default

    Originally posted by DaddyCajun
    Turbine don't forget to charge the battery!!

    It was fun wish I could have stayed longer.

    txCajun was there with Dr. Doolin as well.

    Geaux Cajuns

  11. #35


    Possible Bar-B-Q at the Tigue tonight or tomorrow!

    Show up After 4p.m. each day thanks!!


  12. #36


    Black roof? HOT! Maybe the home dugout should also get a layer of insulation under it. :-) I'll shut up now, since my labor contribution is zero.

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