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Thread: Cajuns receive vote in Top 25 poll!

  1. #1

    UL Basketball Cajuns receive vote in Top 25 poll!

    USA Today/ESPN Top 25 poll. Check it out!

  2. #2


    The best is yet to come...with the general at the helm the sky is the limit for the cajun basketball program.

  3. #3


    With a couple of W's this week, and some W's by KU and others we have played, we will get more votes! How great would it be if the right teams win/lose and Louisiana sneaks into the top 25 poll!!!


  4. #4


    It definitely wouldn't hurt going into the SBC tournament, especially if we make it to the finals. Hopefully that the selection committee would take that part of the equation into their decision. But, I'll take a SBC Tourney Championship win to erase all doubt if we would get an at-large bid. I'll take the automatic bid, thank you very much.

  5. #5


    If im not mistaken there is a coach on that poll from North Texas.. hmmmm... I wonder if it could have been his vote that we got???

  6. #6


    Boy would a sweep of Arkansas' be nice! I think these are the two biggest games of the season. I think if they pull it off, the are close to being a lock. GEAUX CAJUNS

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