Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
_ I can't see how they would expect UL System schools to absorb UNO's losses, and you can bet every school in the System would scream Bloody Murder if someone tried to do that.

When the other schools in the state have had shortfalls, the Leg covered them. They didn't like it, but they covered them. That's why Bonds have to be approved by the Regents, because I believe the State is responsible if a school defaults.

But then, how many buildings at UNO are bonded? Most of them were built by state gov't. _

So you are telling me right now the LSUS is not absorbing the loses, but the state is handling them directly? If so then having UNO in the ULS is indeed a good thing, another independent school against the flagship agenda.

Still if UNO is not responsible for the fixed overhead, and in reality the LSUS, why are they bleeding money when they have reduced their staff and variable overhead to the current student body?