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Thread: Mascot Question

  1. #1

    Alumni Mascot Question

    Like some other things (uniforms for one) our mascot has changed (too much to me) and I would like to see us pick something and stick with it. To be honest I think the pepper sucks. It works good for sportswear or interent logos (even though I do not like it) but as for a mascot at the game it is horrible. Some on the Delphi board have suggested the following

    1 Red alligator named Zydeco
    2 A pelican
    3 Catahoula Hound

    Arguements against each
    Alligator is used by Florida
    Pelican is used by Tulane
    Hound reminds people of the "Dukes of Hazzard"

    I really like the red alligator named Zydeco (idea by Docragcaj), it would serve Florida right for stealing the "Swamp" name from us plus their alligator is not red nor named Zydeco. To me this is a good animal mascot for a sports team.

    Any other ideas or comments?

  2. Default

    Great topic. I have a lot of thoughts on this.

    Since there is an actual swamp on Louisiana's Main Campus with real live Bull Gators living in it. Bull Gator is a no brainer.

    Here is how you trump otherwise copycat Florida; we are still the Ragin Cajuns and Lady Cajuns. We just have a mascot that is a BullGator.

    It would be just like the early 1900's when a rotating young child was the mascot for the various sporting events. No one considered the Cajuns to be 6 year old kids.

    Photo taken on UL campus.

  3. #3

    UL Football

    I was watching the Memphis-Louisville game last night and they showed the Memphis mascot before going to break and I remember thinking if that were us they would be showing that stupid pepper. Made me wish we had that red gator named Zydeco. What is that pepper's name moron?

  4. Default

    The Bull Gators habitat at UL has existed on & off (depending on weather) for hundreds of years.

    Although this swamp area was swept under the rug for most of the first 20 years of SLII, by the 20's campus improvements-such as drainage ditches-had dried up The Swamp for a large portion of the year (still depending on weather).

    It thus came to be known as Cypress Grove, but in 1943 it was flooded and has remained such ever since.

    Incidentally in 1943 Louisiana went 5-0-1 in football.

    I do know this, since my mom is from Nebraska, I grew up getting hammered with alligator questions from all my cousins. There is a HUGE recognition factor built in.

    Having said this I would not endorse just "gator" I would want "Bull Gators" it is the male of the species.

    Let Florida have the female of the species.

    Now even if the Bull Gator never becomes the mascot a simple walk through campus proves this next statement to be 100% true. . .

    "University of Louisiana
    Home of the Bull Gators

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