Is this the local yard boy?Originally Posted by RonMexico
Is this the local yard boy?Originally Posted by RonMexico
OK men, here we go. I am a HUGE UL fan. Anyone who knows me will say the same. And I am trying not to be too much of a sky is falling kind of guy...but, I am getting really concerned with this. I go to the gym everyday, and on my the way, I make it a point to go through the athletic complex. And it is disturbing. The new park next to the baseball field is getting gone with great speed and that is with 1, 2 or sometimes 3 guys working on it. But they are kicking @$$ and taking names over there. Then I see the area where a facility for the football and basketball teams should be going up and there is very little happening. So little, that there is actually grass and weeds regrowing where it had been cleared for construction to begin. Holy Hell!!! But I think the most heartbreaking is seeing our men having to workout in the area between the weightroom and the levee to "THE Swamp". I just wanted to yell at someone. The whole reason for the facility was so these young men would never again have to hold daily practices in 90 degree heat with 80% humidity. Yet there they were. Now I am a realist. I understand that the Lourds Park project is much smaller and that it takes time to build the practice facility. But enough is enough. Some people have stated that they have seen entire crews working on it. Well, I'm not one. I pass the area very often everyday and rarely see much of anything happening. Rather disheartening. And unless the school and/or the administration threatens a lawsuit to get this thing going...I feel that this my become a rather devisive subject in the university as well as the community. But I am still optimistic that the project will get done...just not sure when.
Not exactly. The major reason was so that we didn't lose 20% of our practice time to rain every season. It's pretty hard to catch up to other programs when you can't practice as much as they can.Originally Posted by derf
By the way, what time of day do you pass by?
Originally Posted by CDeb
At different times. but mostly 10:30 ish and then at about 3:30 and again after 5 everyday but they are done for the day by then i'm sure. but it isn't confined to 1 specific time
I go by every day at 4:15pm and as of yet, have not found any workers working at that exact time. However, almost everytime I go by, I can see that some work has been done.
This happened to me, so I can see how some might not notice a big difference.
- Monday: I see no one working, and changes from Friday do not readily jump out at me.
- Tuesday: I see a big trench has been dug.
- Wednesday: Pipes and other things have been layed down inside the trench
- Thursday: The trench has been refilled with dirt.
- Friday: changes from Thursday do not readily jump out at me.
Point being if someone went by on Monday and again on Friday they would not notice any change when in fact much had been done.
I do not think for a second that nothing was done on Monday and Friday, more likely I just didn't know where to look.
imo Progess while seemingly slow is nonetheless happening.
Geaux Cajuns
Everyone needs to simply slow down and take a deep breath!!!!!! Breath in.....breath out........breath in.........breath out.........
It is my understanding that a contract is in place and the builder has to meet certain deadlines. I would think none of us should panic until such time as the deadline arrives!!!
Even then, if the project happens to run a few days (or even a few weeks) over the limit I don't see that as a big deal. This university is over 100 years old and has never had an indoor practice facility, just having one currently under construction is major progress!!!!!!!!!
I do believe everything will be OK and I fully expect the sun to come up in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you.Originally Posted by CajunDave1
In addition, from my understanding the football area of the facility won't be air conditioned. I do think the basketball area may be.
Work is being done
Geaux Cajuns
Oh, so Turbine the work is "really" being done, the Admin is NOT holding things up, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!Originally Posted by Turbine
Thanks for the pics!!
My guess is that when the walls have been up for a couple of months some knuckle head will pop up on RaginPagin and say "Whats taking so long"?
Patience people,
See, all you guys complain about illegal immigrants but fail to realize that if we had more illegal Mexicans working on the facility it would have been finished by now. VIVA LOS CAJUNOS!!!
from the large rendering of what the facility is going to look like on the fence, it looks to me like there will be air condition all the way around. but then i might be overlooking somethingOriginally Posted by CajunAmos
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