As for Dr. Zappi, I too read this the other day and was about to explode over the carbon credit BS. Glad to know he did not say it.
CajunNation is correct... but natural gas is a huge overlooked source of energy in the US. Nuclear plants take a long time to permit, construct and go online, but they too need to be in full throttle. We have a massive amount of coal, and clean coal technology ought to be as high or higher on the list than all of these magical, ridiculous "green energy" notions. I call them "notions" because as long as an "alternative" energy source is anything other than a fossil fuel... the left party thinks it is clean, harmless, non-capitalistic, government-sponsored, union-required and fantastic. It is all BS.
Our national energy policy mandate should be to work, without all of this left party agenda BS blurring the issue, and become as foreign energy independent as possible. It will require the mass use of every current source of energy and all that we can practically and intelligently invest in and realize benefits. It is also an immediate "real" (not the BS you hear a bunch of left party fools talking about in job creation) job creator. We can crank up what we have natural resource-wise, technology-wise, and get back on our feet while dramatically trimming our dependence on foreign oil (and imported gasoline).
The BS notion that our federal government needs to sponsor a fossil fuel battle (and tax our fragile economy with it even greater than they already do) and sponsor the development of an alternative fuel is nonsense. We don't have any "easy alternatives". Left party idiots keep acting like something out of a Star Wars movie is at our disposal, if only the big oil companies wouldn't block it's development. BS There is ample and massive reasons for worldwide private sector groups to invest in and race for this magical alternative fuel source. If you are so stupid that you don't know the massive, massive, massive science that has gone on for the last 40 years in every single battery design, you know nothing. Not to mention the tremendous products that most apparently don't realize are created by the hydrocarbon chain... far beyond gasoline and diesel.
And most importantly... as the US government (that entity that sucks more than anything any group of people can possibly ever get together and claim they accomplished something) diverts our country on these ridiculous unscientifically hypothesized alternative energy options... the rest of the world will ramp up their economies... supported by the use of existing energy sources... and will plow us over when the inevitable chance arrives.
All of the talk you hear today sponsored by the current administration and the wide variety of supporters that have something to personally gain from this administration... directly involving our energy policy... or lack thereof... are FOS. Private people have been in far more effective think tanks on the correct path of US energy policy... with much clearer, intelligent minds... for a very long time. And they have some of the solutions well planned out. It just doesn't align with the current administration's agenda so you aren't hearing about it. Rant off.