In 1970 USL went 9-2 to earn a berth in the Grantland Rice Bowl at year's end. Even the two losses that year were exciting: a 14-16 loss to Southern Mississippi, and a 38-50 track meet with Tampa.

Faulkinberry said some time later that “people have told me years later that they thought the Tampa game was the most exciting game ever played at McNaspy Stadium."

In the Grantland Rice Bowl, USL lost 26-25 to a talented Tennessee State team destined to have 13 players sign as professionals, including quarterback “Jefferson Street" Joe Gilliam and defensive end Ed “Too Tall" Jones.

The always-quotable Faulkinberry said after that game, “Before the game, we were all lined up for the anthem, and I was looking over our players' heads at their team . and I was looking at their ear holes."