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Thread: what ever happened to Orlanda Thomas?

  1. #1

    UL Football what ever happened to Orlanda Thomas?

    Orlanda Thomas? Man he was a ballhawk!

  2. #2


    Orlando Thomas this last football season was working with the Comeaux High School defense. I believe he is trying to get more into coaching but i do not know at what level or if he will be back at Comeaux.

  3. #3


    Orlando Thomas, has been with the Comeaux Spartans for several years now, he is coaching

  4. #4


    Originally posted by oldman
    he is coaching
    have recently seen him on the boys basketball bench

  5. #5


    C O M E A U X, Comeaux's makes the very best


    Anyone else remember that comercial?

    (Sorry about the off subject post)

  6. #6


    He lives in my neighborhood. When the ladies had one of their "Ladie's Night Out" recently someone asked his wife what he does? Her reply "He sits onthe sofa playing Playstation all day." LOL! That sounds like a typical wife's answer. She indicated the coaching was a part time thing.

    This isn't meant as a slam on the guy. I also thought he was getting into coaching but she made it sound like its not that serious. I was hoping he could help the Cajuns staff.

  7. #7


    if a coaching vacancy should arise in the secondary...I think he'd be a great fit

  8. #8


    We do have an opening, Coach Jennings is leaving for Houston.

  9. #9

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . .

    And he coached the secondary which is where Thomas played for UL and in the NFL. I would love to see him get the job over here.

  10. #10


    Originally posted by studentfan
    And he coached the secondary which is where Thomas played for UL and in the NFL. I would love to see him get the job over here.
    just guessing here.. although, it isn't going to happen..

    as a g/a? a maybe.. not sure though he has ever looked into that yet..

    (again) guessing, he is not looking to do that

  11. Default

    Texascajun: did you know something we didn't??

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