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Thread: AD on the Radio

  1. #1

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . AD on the Radio

    Was not able to listen to Nelson on the radio today, anyone have any scoop??????:confused:

    If you do please post it thanks!!

    Gerald is back at home and still going through PT, he is not someone who deals well with pain!!! Who does? He will be down for a few more weeks, if anyone can lend him a hand with projects, monies, etc. now is the time!! Things move slow enough over at the complex(as many say)and with Gerald out things won't move any faster!!!


  2. Default

    Originally posted by DaddyCajun
    Was not able to listen to Nelson on the radio today, anyone have any scoop??????:confused:
    I couldn't hear the program either, but I did call in.

  3. I asked a question about standing water on the surface inside the new track complex (which I mention HERE)

  4. I said I couldn’t see how $100,000,000 could be raised for academics, and not accrue at least a portion through some sort of osmosis for athletics. I used the case of the great Ambassador Caffery and how his first ever donation to UL was for athletics. I just can't fathom $100mil to $nil.

  5. I quoted Dr Authement who said he had $1,000,000 in hand for the new indoor facility and was raising the rest. I asked Nelson if we could just go ahead and build the shell. HE said he has a couple of plans on his desk.

    That was the extent of my conversation, didn't hear any more of the show.

  6. Geaux Cajuns

  7. #3


    Originally posted by Turbine
  8. I quoted Dr Authement who said he had $1,000,000 in hand for the new indoor facility and was raising the rest. I asked Nelson if we could just go ahead and build the shell. HE said he has a couple of plans on his desk.
  9. And, the check's in the mail.........

  10. #4


    plans on his desk has always been the answer and will forever be the answer until someone says, enough with the plans how long have they been there? also no one ask about the drainage (baseball) and office and locker room improvements for....again (baseball) long overdue. HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED DODGE BALL? good questions however.

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