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Thread: What is "Bustle Ball"?

  1. #1

    People What is "Bustle Ball"?

    I was looking in the dictionary under bustle and it says, : a pad or cushion or wire framework worn by women on the back part of the body below the waist to expand and support the skirt. Now just what is Bustle ball?

  2. #2

    UL Football

    "I was looking in the dictionary under bustle"

    Save your energy, you will find out Saturday.

    Geaux Cajuns!!!!!!!

  3. Default Re: What is "Bustle Ball"?

    Originally posted by lsua&m@br
    I was looking in the dictionary under bustle and it says, : a pad or cushion or wire framework worn by women on the back part of the body below the waist to expand and support the skirt. Now just what is Bustle ball?

    Well in this conotation it stands for a form of football.

    Now you were looking at definition 2 of "Bustle" when you should have been looking at definition 2 of "Bust" (first half of the word) which means "To smash or break, especially forcefully" the second half of the word is "le" which means "the"

    So Bustle Ball stands for "The especially forcefull smashing brand of football"

  4. Default

    Bustle: Great stir; agitation; tumult from stirring or excitement.

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