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Thread: Ways to make the 2011 Spring Game massive

  1. #37

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    One word, strippers!!!

  2. #38

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    Quote Originally Posted by The Source View Post
    _ One word, strippers!!! _

  3. #39

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    You wanna see the Spring game be massive, I know just how to do it. The key is to get the fan base energized to action, and the way to do that is leak word that if we don't have 15,000 people at the game that Coach Hud will be contractually obligated to do multiple Mcdonalds and Hampton Toyota commercials. After that word gets out, watch the fans flock to the game.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    Lets try to get the students there! Imagine how awesome a game would be with the student section full....

  5. Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    Quote Originally Posted by The Source View Post
    _ One word, strippers!!! _
    I don't know,... cleaning the stadium is hard enough for the losing team, and besides if they follow your suggestion they have to ready to paint right away.

    I think your suggestion while noble, is just too much to ask.

    Geaux Cajuns

  6. #42

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    How about pre game Alumni Flag football game. I like the draft. Have fans wear Vermillion or White for the team they are rooting for split the band & cheerleaders up one on the home side the other on the visitor side.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    Quote Originally Posted by Spydaman70507 View Post
    _ How about pre game Alumni Flag football game. I like the draft. Have fans wear Vermillion or White for the team they are rooting for split the band & cheerleaders up one on the home side the other on the visitor side. _
    I really like that idea, that sounds cool as heck.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    Quote Originally Posted by BrockMeaux View Post
    _ Book Wayne Toups for a halftime performance and have a $5 crawfish boil before the game. Presenting a ticket to the game (available at the ticket offices, either free or $1, depending on what you decide) and $5 gets you a bracelet good for all YOU can eat, and you can have several locations set up outside the stadium to handle the problem of overcrowding at one place. Get as many famous former Cajuns - especially football, but any sport, really - to do an autograph session on the field for 45 minutes after the game. If you can get a couple former UL quarterbacks there (say, Babb and Desormeaux), they could quarterback a free 12-and-under two hand touch football game after the autograph session. _

    Dang, I think you're on to something. Football and Crawfish season have never come together before. It could be the World's Largest Crawfish Boil!! Submit it to the Gueniss Book Of World records! Have it before the game and invite that guy from "Man Verses Food"!! $5 a tray, UL could make a little money and people would want to be a part of this! Hell, invite Governor Edwards!!

  9. #45

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    This is a patently horrible idea. Next thing you know, LSU will be boiling imitation crawfish at their imitation Cajun tailgating, before waiving their imitation "Geaux Tigers" signs and partaking in every other tradition they stole from us!

  10. #46

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    you guys didnt start the whole Smelling like Corndogs thing did ya? i kid i kid

  11. #47

    Default Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    Quote Originally Posted by Spydaman70507 View Post
    _ How about pre game Alumni Flag football game. I like the draft. Have fans wear Vermillion or White for the team they are rooting for split the band & cheerleaders up one on the home side the other on the visitor side. _
    Give a reason for fans to cheer either for red or white. If fans don't care, make them choose a color as they enter the stadium and get some type of ticket with that color on it. If the color you have wins the game, have some type of reward for those fans. Perhaps it could be a free meal at Raisin Cane's or some other restaurant. It does not have to be that but a strong effort should be made to have fans attending have a vested interest in one side winning. They are more likely to cheer in that regard and that will simulate game competition which can only help the team. Coach Hudspeth is all about continual competition for players-in everything they do. Having the fans have the same mindset will help move the program forward.

  12. #48

    UL Football Re: Ways to make the Spring Game massive

    Bad news....

    LSU & ESPN announced today that their spring game will be on April 9th on ESPN at 3 PM.

    While I don't believe this will hurt us too much, but LSU will be playing at home on national TV while we are yet again trying to fill our stadium too!!!

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