Over the past nine years we have tried to keep RaginPagin.com completely free and as the Ragin Pagin community has grown and is growing. For this we thank everyone who visits, posts and finds links to Ragin' Cajuns articles on the web, or just visits. That is what "Raging Paging" is all about.
Keeping up with the web and providing a high volume server has become harder and harder to accomplish. Every day, more & more people from all over the world drop by to look for news on the University of Louisiana, the Ragin' Cajuns and the untold history of UL.
One simple indicator of growing use is our internal search engine which has been accessed over three and a half million times since 2002. This does not count simple visits but is an indicator that the Rage Page archives are a useful tool to UL fans everywhere.
As most of you know the site is in no way connected to, or endorsed by any school in the UL System, we receive no subsidy. Currently our fixed costs have dropped to $3200 a year.
So for the third time ever (annually if possible) we are holding a donation type fund raiser. Our goal is to raise $2400, if we exceed that goal, Ragin Pagin will donate the surplus to UL Athletics. To keep track we will create a brick progress page. You can indicate if you wish to donate anonymously or have your member or real name (or business name) mentioned.
Regardless of how close we come to reaching the goal we will continue to strive to make RaginPagin.com a hub to connect to everything Ragin' Cajuns on the web. We hope to continue doing research so we can be a good source for all info related to UL past present and future.
To see how you can help click the donate button in the menu bar near the upper right side of the page.
Thanks for your support.
ps Please, do not send money you budgeted for RCAF.