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Thread: 2005 Predictions

  1. #1

    UL Football 2005 Predictions

    This is a clip from a local (Baton Rouge) sports show on cable. The show is called Sports Monday and of course, mainly focuses on LSU. This episode aired on Nov 15, 2004.

    I missed the very beginning of the hosts questions to the guest (Lee Brecheen) of

    The question starts "Is the team formally known as USL..."

    You can see the rest of the clip here (it is over a 5MB download for those with dial-up)

  2. Default

    Who was the guy being interviewed?

    I thought he was informative.

  3. #3


    Originally posted by NewsCopy
    Who was the guy being interviewed?

    I thought he was informative.
    He is Lee Brecheen of

    He is a Louisiana college recuiting specailist. He follows all the good HS players in the state, and keeps up with them on where they might go and play. He even does consulting work, where he will help a HS player find a "good fit" for him on where he could play. He also sells videos of players to the schools that might be interested in that player. He is currently starting to move into the other big college sports as well.

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