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Thread: What happened to my HIPHOP till you drop station

  1. #1

    UL Basketball What happened to my HIPHOP till you drop station

    Unlike most of you I don't have to change the channel for my sports. What happened with 5 minutes left in the game?

  2. #2


    I thought the internet went down. Are you saying it was the radio station?

  3. Default

    If you were listening to the internet or the radio you heard the board operator come on the air and say "we apologize but we will be off the air for 5 minutes"

    "Off the air" didn't happen for about 10 minutes.

    I don’t know the cause but I do know service technicians are contracted out and sometimes cover many towns and stations. If a Techi arrived to install some hardware or fix a nagging problem the station had no choice but to comply.

    Years ago each station had their own electronic guru who would do most of the dirty work late at night. With the national consolidation of radio stations, technicians do what they can when they can.

    Unfortunately for us it happened during the last few minutes of the game. I was going to mad if the Cajuns had this huge comeback, then I was sad that they didn’t

    "Ana Loves Bineaux"

    ps Ana's not blushing, she's naturally that red.
    Vermilion Red.

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