The UL Crawfish Research Center has initiated a project to provide winter waterfowl habitat at the University's Experimental Farm near Cade. Dr. Jay Huner, director of the Center, said a water control structure known as a 'drop pipe' has been installed on one side of a15-acre wooded wetland on the north side of the farm.
This unit permits farm personnel to retain water in the wetland area from November until March when the trees and other vegetation is dormant and tolerant of flooding. Approximately five acres will hold three to 12 inches of water intended to attract resident and wintering Wood Ducks although wintering Mallards and American Wigeon are expected to visit from time to time.
Huner noted the wetland area also provides habitat for at least 100 species of birds ranging from hummingbirds to hawks, 15 mammals including squirrels, rabbits, mink, coyotes and numerous species of snakes, frogs and salamanders.