The Petro Club was the setting for buffet style lunch followed by the Gerald/Scott/HUD show---SF on the hiring--interviewed HUD first and he was always #1----HUD can talk and inspire----need unity of the coaches, team, University, and all of Lafayette --gave example of a tug a war which was actually done by the Mgrs, players, and coaches at 11PM in Cajun field ---Had the off vs def compete and at the end they all pulled together--HUD can talk--Chas. Moncla said that the funds for the new weight room have been raised and const. to start---Hammer since the weight room is an ADD-ON, I will expect my burger----Many checks written and MATCHED after the meeting---Guys this place is exploding--go to the game Saturday ---BTW, the stars are here and coming for the next 2 weeks--we have raised the bar and won't get all but the net is higher and over a wider area!!!! Go to the game Saturday!!!!