man i tell you this girl bob marlin is the most bull____ girl i have ever seen. she kicked a senior in colby batiste that could have helped us in the inside a little bit off the team, looks into an ncaa rule with courtney wallace, and dos not play another senior gaurd that might be 10 points away from the 1000 point club at all in a tough road game. Ran into Colby Batiste at old tyme he said that time and time again marlin has told the players that the season is over and was quoted sayin they should pack it in after the north texas lost. I asked him about his situation , he was kicked off by the coach with no one giving him a specific reason. Is this what we want for our university a man that gives up and points the finger at all of his players to take the heat off of him. ANy coach that gives up will coach a team who gives up.