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Thread: This is Cajunfun's department but....

  1. #1

    Default This is Cajunfun's department but....

    Just wanted to let everyone know, including all of the trolls on this board who like for us to know our place.


  2. Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    Has the endowment fallen that much?

    Geaux Cajuns

  3. #3

    Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    we got a place, nobody ever said anything about a place. But i committed to you guys and I am an Army Ranger and stick by my word lol

  4. #4

    Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnboy4713 View Post
    _ we got a place, nobody ever said anything about a place. But i committed to you guys and I am an Army Ranger and stick by my word lol _
    Former infantry, and now Army Aviator here as well as former Track athlete at UL.

  5. #5

    Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ Has the endowment fallen that much? _
    I was at the banquet a few weeks ago and the endowment is over 100 million. My family just did an endowed professorship.

  6. Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    _ I was at the banquet a few weeks ago and the endowment is over 100 million. My family just did an endowed professorship. _
    Jack up the enrollment #s while you are editing!!!!! Of course you round off to 17K with a future projected amount of 20k plus---I learned from the MASTER---Rip Henderson---still has his plaque in the booth @ Judice Inn---please don't start a food discussion!!!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    _ Jack up the enrollment #s while you are editing!!!!! Of course you round off to 17K with a future projected amount of 20k plus---I learned from the MASTER---Rip Henderson---still has his plaque in the booth @ Judice Inn---please don't start a food discussion!!!!! _
    The enrollment listed was for undergraduates. If you add in the grad students, it is closer to 17K. Don't know where the endowment figure comes from.

  8. #8

    Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    The Student write up on the University troubles me a little. "Anonymous, Senior" states the University does not fully support all races, genders, and religions. Is this really what the kids think?

    "it is close-knit, affordable, and convenient for students. i would change the size and location of the entire campus; it is overcrowded. the school is big, but the space is too small. they say our athletic dept. sucks and we need better coaching staff and players and it is a pre-dominatedly white school. I spend a lot of time hanging out in the student union and in the dorm. Lafayette. The administration is okay, but some workers are not that helpful, racist, rude, and slow; others are nice, patient, and easy to talk to. Two UL black students died in Jan. and Feb.; there was not much support from our fellow student body besides other black students. It depends on if the team has been winning games for the school to have pride. The teacher/student ratio has not improved over the years, but instead has gotten worse and it's not fair to the students who need more student/teacher interaction for a better grade. In Nov. 2007, I became a new member of the best sorority in the world, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. food not always good, library hours are not long enough, dorm life is crappy, too many restrictions on a public university campus, no equal rights for students of all races, genders, religions, etc.
    Anonymous, Senior University of Louisiana--Lafayette"

  9. #9

    Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    I read that. Really seems like a coherent statement :rollseyes:

  10. #10

    Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    Quote Originally Posted by ULtimateCajun View Post
    _ The Student write up on the University troubles me a little. "Anonymous, Senior" states the University does not fully support all races, genders, and religions. Is this really what the kids think?

    "it is close-knit, affordable, and convenient for students. i would change the size and location of the entire campus; it is overcrowded. the school is big, but the space is too small. they say our athletic dept. sucks and we need better coaching staff and players and it is a pre-dominatedly white school. I spend a lot of time hanging out in the student union and in the dorm. Lafayette. The administration is okay, but some workers are not that helpful, racist, rude, and slow; others are nice, patient, and easy to talk to. Two UL black students died in Jan. and Feb.; there was not much support from our fellow student body besides other black students. It depends on if the team has been winning games for the school to have pride. The teacher/student ratio has not improved over the years, but instead has gotten worse and it's not fair to the students who need more student/teacher interaction for a better grade. In Nov. 2007, I became a new member of the best sorority in the world, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. food not always good, library hours are not long enough, dorm life is crappy, too many restrictions on a public university campus, no equal rights for students of all races, genders, religions, etc.
    Anonymous, Senior University of Louisiana--Lafayette" _
    Obviously the last part about no equal rights that she just throws in is completely off base. I'm not sure if what she is trying to insinuate, but whatever it is, it is laughable. UL has constantly been on the forefront of Civil Rights for public universities in the Deep South. Dr. Pat Rickels or Dr. James Oliver would roll over in their grave if they heard her accusations.

  11. #11

    Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    Quote Originally Posted by wcd35 View Post
    _ I read that. Really seems like a coherent statement :rollseyes: _
    I know, is that the best student review they got?

  12. #12

    Default Re: This is Cajunfun's department but....

    Quote Originally Posted by SlappyCajun View Post
    _ Obviously the last part about no equal rights that she just throws in is completely off base. I'm not sure if what she is trying to insinuate, but whatever it is, it is laughable. UL has constantly been on the forefront of Civil Rights for public universities in the Deep South. Dr. Pat Rickels or Dr. James Oliver would roll over in their grave if they heard her accusations. _

    Maybe its a white chick.

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