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Thread: shipley era project

  1. #1
    douglas's Avatar douglas is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Ragin' Cajuns shipley era project

    first off let me know if this needs to be in another forum.

    Me and a colleague-both alums, are starting work on a project about the Shipley era and are looking for anything and everything from photos to video to audio that fans may have in their personal collections, which will be duplicated and returned of course.

    Also looking for people who were involved directly with or on the team and fans who are willing to sit down for interviews. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated! send me an email at if you wanna help in any way, thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Default Re: shipley era project

    I live in Maryland, was very much involved with the team and players. On the way to work. Send me e-mail & phone number to

    Some of my materials are priceless. Poster signed by all but one. Poster with all the scores and record of Bo's points. Packed away, slides of team playing plus hours of stores. Split session at UL. There when Elvin & Marvin came, back from Nam last have of Marvins Sr. year & Bo's fr. year. Went on road to many games including all playoffs 70-73.

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