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Thread: 2004-05 Confidence Factor

  1. #409


    I wanted to post it in my orginal post but couldn't edit it do to forum settigns so I put game 3 there. I didn't make a games 3 bid in teh first post.

  2. #410


    When are the final results being posted?

  3. #411

    UL Basketball ConfidenceFactor results?

    Were the final scores for the ConfidenceFactor season games tallyed? I know I didn't win but just wanted to see the results.
    Know you are busy w/ the forum site.


  4. Default Re: ConfidenceFactor results?

    Originally posted by DrySwamp
    Were the final scores for the ConfidenceFactor season games tallyed? I know I didn't win but just wanted to see the results.
    Know you are busy w/ the forum site.

    Yes thanks for asking

    I plan on releasing the results of Confidence Factor, Point Guard, and Ragin Brackets at the same time.

    Geaux Cajuns

  5. #413

    This is so COOL

    Thanks for the reply.

  6. #414

    Default Re: 2004-05 Confidence Factor

    BabbforHeisman continued true to form and took the top spot.

    Several players made key mistakes similar to not in bounding the ball in the allotted time, which allowed the tournament prowess of CajunJudo and cjr3888 to capture 2nd 3rd place. Congratulations to all, and thanks goes out to Louisiana Hot Stuff for sponsoring 2004-05 Confidence Factor.

    Competitor POINTS Louisiana Hot Stuff
  7. BabbforHeisman 16280 $25 certificate
  8. CAJUNJUDO 15543 $15 certificate
  9. cjr3888 14936 $10 certificate

  10. #415

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: 2004-05 Confidence Factor

    I didn't think I had a chance to win anything but I sure am glad I did. I sure can use that gift certificate.

  11. #416

    Default Re: 2004-05 Confidence Factor

    Awesome!! I'm glad I pulled this one out after I miss-read the Point Guard tournament final. J-Town had me fooled....I saw his reply and posted without reading the directions.

    I remember my fifth grade teacher gave us a test that said read all of the directions before doing anything else. It had silly instructions like clap your hands 5 times, run around your desk, write your name on the chalkboard, etc.... The very last line said to write only your name on the top of the page and quietly hand it in without doing anything else. I was one of two students that did this correctly and have always read the directions before doing anything else.

    But...I have finally failed (stomp, stomp)

    I went back to double check how far I was off for my "bone-headed total points scored by all teams calculation" and I was only off by around 125.

  12. #417

    Default Re: 2004-05 Confidence Factor

    Quote Originally Posted by CAJUNJUDO
    I remember my fifth grade teacher gave us a test that said read all of the directions before doing anything else. It had silly instructions like clap your hands 5 times, run around your desk, write your name on the chalkboard, etc.... The very last line said to write only your name on the top of the page and quietly hand it in without doing anything else. I was one of two students that did this correctly and have always read the directions before doing anything else.
    We must have gone to the same school...maybe I was the other student that got it right.

    Louisiana Hot Stuff here I come!!!

  13. #418

    Default Re: 2004-05 Confidence Factor

    I doubt if we went to the same school, unless you grew up in Pennsylvania. (Yes, I'm a transplant......but I'm a diehard Cajun fan!!!)

    So, how do we get our gift certificate??

  14. #419

    Default Re: 2004-05 Confidence Factor

    Sorry Cajunjudo, my bad. The only reason a caught on, was I saw everyone else's post and then changed mine. Glad you were still in the winnings. It was really a two man race the last couple of weeks. Good luck to you in UL@Bat and Strike-n-Stroll.

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