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Thread: UL name game

  1. #1

    Ragin' Cajuns UL name game

    To my fellow UL Ragin Cajun faithful,

    please follow the link above to a message I posted on the sunbelt fan site about our name change issue. I listed some good reasons why a name is important, why we wanna change it, and why we'll get the UL name instead of our brethren in Monroe. Again, please go and read the post frequently and help me defend our position and the issue, as my post is sure to elicit fire from ULM folks (though I do have the utmost respect for them) and others too. But hey, no one ever said doing the right thing was gonna be easy or popular!

    God Bless.

  2. #2


    I'm with George and MeanGreen on this one. You know how many times these guys have heard the story about the name change. I really think some people need to give this thing a rest. It's almost to the point now where I really don't give a damn what someone calls us. All I care about is what I call this university!

  3. #3


    Maybe sometimes we take this fight to a bigger level than it needs to be right now. You'd be surprised at the number of people in our own community that don't know what a big deal the name of our university actually is. Take, for instance, the guys that spelled out "ULL!" on the end zone hill during the game on Saturday. I admire their spirit, but I still cringed when I saw it. The bottom line is, they just didn't know.

    I think the statement made by the Advertiser is going to have a huge impact in this area. People will refer to the university the same way they see it referred to in other places, like a newspaper. Now, more and more people will simply refer to us as "UL" or "Louisiana", and we can take the fight to a bigger level.

  4. #4


    This is how I replied.

    "Hint received and understood. I shant be posting anymore on this subject, but don't blame me for trying.

    God Bless."

  5. #5

    Alumni i got your back

    sid, i got your back. I know that this post will have ____ed a lot of people off, but when you got absolutely no support on a sunbelt forum (it would be different if it was just this forum), i had to do something. Check this out...

  6. Default

    Originally posted by BabbForHeisman
    Maybe sometimes we take this fight to a bigger level than it needs to be right now. You'd be surprised at the number of people in our own community that don't know what a big deal the name of our university actually is.
    Now there sits a dichotomy.

    We talk on the issue in excess on the large stage yet the locals are often unaware of the issue.

  7. Default

    Originally posted by BabbForHeisman
    Take, for instance, the guys that spelled out "ULL!" on the end zone hill during the game on Saturday. I admire their spirit, but I still cringed when I saw it. The bottom line is, they just didn't know.
    How a simple initial does more damage than the University fully spelling out the word in question is a concept somewhat hard to grasp. Perhaps if someone in an official capacity would clearly state why the extra incognito letter is harmful, while the school openly promotes the full word, it might help end its use.

    I have a gut feeling that unless the newspaper east of the Mississippi River takes a stance similar to the Daily Advertiser, the University will face new students yearly from that general area who are proud and excited about attending the university that they grew up knowing as ULL.

    Here are the spirited guys you speak of
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  8. #8

    Default Re: i got your back

    Originally posted by manizzle
    sid, i got your back. I know that this post will have ____ed a lot of people off, but when you got absolutely no support on a sunbelt forum (it would be different if it was just this forum), i had to do something. Check this out...
    Sid, I know you are new to these message boards and I admire your zeal but did you really think it would be that easy? Did you really think none of us had thought of that before?
    Manizzle, You helped nothing, this issue is a dead horse on ALL the Sun Belt boards it has been ridden to freaking death. Do you think insulting the entire conference (excluding Troy and UNT) is going to help anything? Demanding is not going to get it, Asking is not going to get it, Showing everyone by winning, having class, and doing things the right way will earn respect. With respect will come the goal.

    From the Sun Belt board

    I just want to tell all those haters out there that they do not want to embrace the UL name change because it is a sign of our progress to their relative stagnance and ignorance. For you see, they do not realize that while their respective universities are going nowhere, and are probably going to lose division IA status, there are only 3 teams in the sunbelt that show improvement every year in all aspects. UL, North Texas, and Troy. Yes, and notice that I omitted the extra L. Arkansas state, who cares. Louisiana Monroe, your students don't even support your school. Its true, you guys don't have to believe it, but stop living a lie, you are lucky to even be accredited as a real university. In my eyes, and frankly, the eyes of the rest of the country, the rest of the sunbelt, minus the three teams that I already mentioned, are no more than glorified junior colleges. And that should be a complement. So all of you guys that are getting aggetated just reading this post, remember, count your blessings to even be in a conference with a team like UL, a team that in the next 20 years is going to be a major player in all major sports, while you guys, at best will be watching and pouting from Jonesboro. Thank you. - Manizzle
    Not the way to go

  9. #9

    Ragin' Cajuns listen up

    The only way to get respect is to win. Yes. But if our own fans don't embrace a tradition held longer than any name at this university, and I am referring to 'trash talking', and furthermore, condemn it, then I ask you, what are we fighting for. When we win that championship, do you get a ring? No. Do you get a certificate? Not unless you buy one. You do, however, get to gloat. And I see no problem in talking a little smack. You can be humble and respectful to our opponents if you want, but I think that theres a little too much of that around here, and not enough people take UL athletics passionately. On the issue of the name, honestly, I don't really care. If we do something as ULL, we will get the same recognition as if we were just UL. But I see no harm in getting under our opponents skin, and showing a little passion. Something I think you ought to try sometimes. Sincerely, Manizzle.

  10. #10

    Default Re: listen up

    Originally posted by manizzle
    The only way to get respect is to win. Yes. But if our own fans don't embrace a tradition held longer than any name at this university, and I am referring to 'trash talking', and furthermore, condemn it, then I ask you, what are we fighting for. When we win that championship, do you get a ring? No. Do you get a certificate? Not unless you buy one. You do, however, get to gloat. And I see no problem in talking a little smack. You can be humble and respectful to our opponents if you want, but I think that theres a little too much of that around here, and not enough people take UL athletics passionately. On the issue of the name, honestly, I don't really care. If we do something as ULL, we will get the same recognition as if we were just UL. But I see no harm in getting under our opponents skin, and showing a little passion. Something I think you ought to try sometimes. Sincerely, Manizzle.
    Are you kidding me? You talk about passion but then go on to say you don't care about the name debate, WTF? So you just jumped in to talk trash?
    So your passion is trash talk?
    Getting to gloat is the reward of winning? I have played and/or watched sports (football, baseball and basketball) my whole life. I have talked trash DURING a game, but never have gloated after if we won. That goes back to my reference to carrying yourself with class. It's like being cool, when you have it you don't have to say it. When you win, you don't have to let them know, they already know. The are far better ways to show your passion for UL than the way you suggested I try, I suggest you place your efforts into more positive forms. I am sure many here besides myself could suggest some different ways to do so.

  11. #11



    I did just as you suggested and emailed the editor a note of thanks for her attention to the change in policy regarding the name. I know of other Krewe that have done the same. This is a big step.

    This is what she wrote back........

    Thank you for the kind words of support. I believe it is the right thing to do. Keep reading and let me know how we're doing otherwise, as well.

    Juli Metzger

    Executive Editor

    The Daily Advertiser

    By taking this policy change so aggressive, I hope that the fans and supporters can remove the "S" Advertiser. Hoping that these gestures on both sides of the equation will yield greater communication between the University of Louisiana and The Daily Advertiser forthwith.

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