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Thread: UL had first dibs on the word Geaux

  1. Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"

    Quote Originally Posted by Membertou View Post
    _ I don't know who used it first, nor do I care. However, I can assure you that "Geaux" isn't French or even sound French. If Geaux were French, it would be pronounced "Joe". Using French phonetics, if you want to say "go", you need to spell it "Gau". After all, its "Gautreau(x), not "Geautreau(x). _
    Shhh, don't tell Hokie Gajan, or the Jotreaux I mean Gotreaux family.

    Geaux Cajuns

  2. #26

    Default Re: Who has dibs on Geaux

    Quote Originally Posted by Hooj_Cajun_Fan View Post
    _ I just came back from France. What I say is not ridiculous.

    It's a different dialect. It's like saying that someone from England sounds the same as someone from America, they simply don't. Especially someone from the Yorkshire region of England, alot of those guys we would barely be able to understand.

    The Cajun people were separated from France for hundreds of years. Over that time the dialect changed, words had to be invented, and pronunciations changed due to English and Spanish influences...among other things. _
    I agree with you.

    Canadian french speakers are easier to understand than Parisian french speakers.

    They have a smoother dialect.

  3. Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"


    Geaux Cajuns

  4. #28

    Default Re: Who has dibs on Geaux

    Quote Originally Posted by AstroCajun View Post
    _ I agree with you.

    Canadian french speakers are easier to understand than Parisian french speakers.

    They have a smoother dialect. _
    Which Canadians? The Acadians, or the Quebecois? The Quebecois CAN be easier, but they speak like greased lightning, and they have their own dialect.

    And I disagree that it's smoother; to the contrary, my experience is that French French is difficult to understand precisely because it is so smooth: softened consonants, dropped consonants, liaisons, and a general lack of strong landmarks for comprehension.

  5. #29

    Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"

    Quote Originally Posted by Membertou View Post
    _ I don't know who used it first, nor do I care. However, I can assure you that "Geaux" isn't French or even sound French. If Geaux were French, it would be pronounced "Joe". Using French phonetics, if you want to say "go", you need to spell it "Gau". After all, its "Gautreau(x), not "Geautreau(x). _
    What's French?

    That's not rhetorical. When scholars look at 'preserving' Cajun French, they respond, 'Which one? Today? 20 years ago? 100 years ago?' It changes constantly and rapidly.

    True, French pronunciations are much more consistent than English... except, as you are well aware, when it comes to formal names, and then it's all over the map. Who's to say that one set of words follow the rules, another do not?

    Because it comes down to the question, to whom does a language belong? To the scholars who study and codify it, or to the vast majority of people who use it every day?

    To whom does French belong? L'Académie Française? Or the Cajuns?

    To neither of them, or to everyone who uses it?

    When the Cajuns say, 'Je back ma truck,' (or 'Je backup ma pickup') why isn't that acceptable? Scholars are horrified.

    But I like to remind them that French was created by illiterate Gallic peasants who butchered Latin and various Germanic dialects.

  6. #30

    Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid View Post
    _ In dialoguing with some Ark. St. fans before the game Saturday, one of them said we borrowed the word "geaux", and the name for our football stadium "The Swamp". First of all is this true, and second of all, how should I respond?

    p.s.- they say we borrowed "geaux" from LSU, and "The Swamp" from Florida _
    Other people have answered you, but let me tell you my story.

    I arrived at U(S)L in 1977, and immediately asked what 'Geaux' ('zho') was. I was told that it was a Cajun joke.


    Before that, it wasn't just that LSU wasn't interested in Cajun culture, they pooh-poohed it. I know a guy at a Pac 10 school who interviewed for a French position at LSU in the early 80's. The interview was going great, he was sure he had the job... right up until he mentioned his fascination with Cajun French. The room grew cold, and they terminated the interview.

    Then KPaul Prudhomme hit the big time, Cajun music hit the big time... somewhere in the 80's LSU started also using 'Geaux', and now they claim it's theirs. (After we got our PhD in Franchophone Studies, LSU quickly renamed their Dept 'French and Francophone Studies', and began claiming THEY were the center for Franchophone Studies in the US. They have been embarrassed so many times since by that claim that they have backed way off it.)

    In other threads I have argued that LSU is not very innovative, they are largely reactionary to what other schools-- primarily UL, UNO, but to a lesser extent, Tech and the other schools-- have done. This is yet another area that substantiates that idea.

    A more interesting question to me is, who created 'Hot Boudin'? LSU considers that their signature cheer. When I was a cheerleader and the LSU cheerleaders heard us doing it at camp, they were deeply offended, saying we 'stole' it from them.

    But given their traditional disdain for all things Cajuns, I question that.

  7. #31

    Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    Then KPaul Prudhomme hit the big time, Cajun music hit the big time... somewhere in the 80's LSU started also using 'Geaux', and now they claim it's theirs. (After we got our PhD in Franchophone Studies, LSU quickly renamed their Dept 'French and Francophone Studies', and began claiming THEY were the center for Franchophone Studies in the US. They have been embarrassed so many times since by that claim that they have backed way off it.)

    Truthfully, I believe the best French Department in the state is in Shreveport--at Centenary College.

  8. #32

    Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    _ Other people have answered you, but let me tell you my story.

    I arrived at U(S)L in 1977, and immediately asked what 'Geaux' ('zho') was. I was told that it was a Cajun joke.


    Before that, it wasn't just that LSU wasn't interested in Cajun culture, they pooh-poohed it. I know a guy at a Pac 10 school who interviewed for a French position at LSU in the early 80's. The interview was going great, he was sure he had the job... right up until he mentioned his fascination with Cajun French. The room grew cold, and they terminated the interview.

    Then KPaul Prudhomme hit the big time, Cajun music hit the big time... somewhere in the 80's LSU started also using 'Geaux', and now they claim it's theirs. (After we got our PhD in Franchophone Studies, LSU quickly renamed their Dept 'French and Francophone Studies', and began claiming THEY were the center for Franchophone Studies in the US. They have been embarrassed so many times since by that claim that they have backed way off it.)

    In other threads I have argued that LSU is not very innovative, they are largely reactionary to what other schools-- primarily UL, UNO, but to a lesser extent, Tech and the other schools-- have done. This is yet another area that substantiates that idea.

    A more interesting question to me is, who created 'Hot Boudin'? LSU considers that their signature cheer. When I was a cheerleader and the LSU cheerleaders heard us doing it at camp, they were deeply offended, saying we 'stole' it from them.

    But given their traditional disdain for all things Cajuns, I question that. _

    I remember at McNaspy stadium in the 60's hearing the cheer "Hot Boudin, Cold cush cush, come on Cajuns push, push, push". Then in Blackham for the basketball games some people turned it around and said "Cold cush cush, Hot Boudin, the referee's a feepe tan. I didn't know what that ment for a long time............

  9. #33

    Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"

    Quote Originally Posted by Membertou View Post
    _ Truthfully, I believe the best French Department in the state is in Shreveport--at Centenary College. _
    I know they have a guy up there who was just recognized by the LEH, he re-publishes important French books. Other than that, I don't know.

    Our department has gone through a few transitions recently, but we still have Barry Ancelet, Fabrice LeRoy, and Abdelhak Serhane. They aren't known to the general public, but they are all heavy hitters in the field. Serhane is known all over France as an important writer, but because he writes in French, no one here has ever heard of him.

    10 years ago, we were the best hands down. Maybe that's changed.

  10. #34

    Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBug58 View Post
    _ I remember at McNaspy stadium in the 60's hearing the cheer "Hot Boudin, Cold cush cush, come on Cajuns push, push, push". Then in Blackham for the basketball games some people turned it around and said "Cold cush cush, Hot Boudin, the referee's a feepe tan. I didn't know what that ment for a long time............ _
    I think the phrase you want is 'fils de putain.'


  11. #35

    Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"

    I think I have an OK suggestion for a new chant to use at Cajun Field. Dunno if it was ever used before. Growing up my grandmother on my mothers side used to take care of us a lot when my mom had errands or something to do. Everytime I was over there and she made me something to eat, she would wait for the first bit and ask everytime..."C'est Bon?" To which we usually replied..."Bon." I always remember her phone conversations because she usually spoke mostly in cajun french with her friends and older relatives. I could usually pick out a couple of words most notably the word for pig, as I was a husky kid I could tell she was talking about me because she used that same word everytime I was there.

    So....anyone feeling creative have at it because I'm not that creative a person. I could make a spreadsheet look good but not much else.

  12. #36

    Default Re: Who Had First Dibs on "Geaux"

    A gourmand (sp?). It's what my granny calls all her grandchildren.

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