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Thread: Average Attendance 1994 - 2004

  1. #1

    UL Football Average Attendance 1994 - 2004

    Here are your average attendance figures over the past 10 years.
    1994: 19,154
    1995: 17,728
    1996: 21,710 (includes 38,000 for A&M game)
    1997: 14,560
    1998: 8,798
    1999: 15,289
    2000: 14,624
    2001: 13,323
    2002: 15,056
    2003: 13,995

    2004: 23,440

    I don't think we have ever seen such a groundswell of support for this football team. Now I don't know where all these people are coming from, but it's nice to finally see them. And with out two biggest games coming up, we could easily average 24,000 on the year. All of a sudden those 13,000 crowds of last year feel like a distant memory.

    24,000 strong in 2004. GEAUX CAJUNS!!

  2. #2


    I'm sure the UNT and Troy St. games will put us over 25,000.

  3. Default

    Originally posted by LatvianCajun
    I'm sure the UNT and Troy St. games will put us over 25,000.
    Wow that is huge as well. If average attendance hits 25,000 it will put 2004 as 2nd all time to 1977.

    I haven't run the numbers but if you check out the link below -it seems to me- a couple of outstanding attendance figures vs. NT and Troy could put 2004 as the best average in UL history.

    Historical Attendance at the Swamp

    Geaux Cajuns

  4. #4


    I really can't see any way that there will not be a huge crowd for North Texas. I remember being shocked at how many people showed up for the TV game against New Mexico State last year, and we had lost 7 straight up to that point. With the win Saturday, almost two weeks anticipation, and a chance to be on TV, I predict the game will be packed despite the late start time. I can't wait!

  5. #5

    UL Football

    Heck, the following day is Saturday. If you have to work call in sick.
    Was it my imagination that the student side thinned out considerably after half-time?
    Still in all a good, boisterous, supportive crowd.

  6. #6


    Here is my .02. The 23,340 is good, but as usual looking from the ramp after the game started and in the north endzone there appeared to be at least another couple thousand people not coming inside. Supporting the team means more than sitting in the parking lot. Buy a ticket!!!!

  7. #7


    I know, I really wonder how many people it would have been if everyone that didnt even bother to come in, would have!! That would have been awesome, there was a lot of people last weekend!

  8. #8


    Being a student I was disappointed when the student section thinned out but even with the numbers we had I don't think I have ever heard it as loud as it was at the end of the game.

  9. #9


    Being an "old" guy, I do remember some louder games. But not in MANY years! Good crowd, exciting game, great atmosphere!

  10. #10


    I love the atmosphere around campus and around lafayette. Every day you can look in the newspaper here and even in baton rouge and see something new on UL athletics and i hope the fever continues to grow.

  11. #11


    I have been pleasantly surprised at the turnout and the enthusiasm on the "student side" this year. In years past, it was a challenge to see if we could manually count the number of students at the game. But now you are not only turning out in numbers but you seem to have the enthusiasm I have not seen since I left in the... ahem.... 1970' saw seevral shirts proclaiming loyalty here and not in Baton Rouge. A couple of examples:
    1. If you don't support the Cajuns.. move to Baton Rouge
    2. You chose the right one baby (with a pic of a toddler boy kissing a toddler girl with a UL shirt on while another toddler girl with an LSU short on looks on in

    I've heard Coach Bustle has been instrumental in building this enthusiasm... Any other thoughts from a student on this groundswell of support??? Thanks to you and all of your fellow students.. keep it up!!!1

  12. #12


    good crowd but i wonder why people will tailgate outside the stadium but don't come in, i would like to know why!! it would be interesting if someone did a survey and go around ask them why they are not coming into the stadium, because there should have been a few more thousand for sure

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