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Thread: Will any coaches be kept in some capacity?

  1. #13

    Default Re: Will any coaches be kept in some capacity?

    I would hope the new coach keeps 2 or 3 for continuity. Think Rebowe should be seriously considered. He is well thought of by high school coaches, and his connections in the River Parishes are strong.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Will any coaches be kept in some capacity?

    Not the offensive or defensive coordinators. Only Tim Rebowe and Gerald Broussard IMO. They are solid coaches. remember tim rebowe almost left last year to take a head coaching job a nicholls. I like him and hope he stays.

  3. #15
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Will any coaches be kept in some capacity?

    It will be very interesting to see who the next coach will retain, if any. I think it would be wise to keep a couple of key people. There are no miracle workers among the head coaches we're hiring. It is foolish to think that we are flushing a load of losers and just because new names show up, we are good to go.

    In year one especially, of this new coach's UL stint, he is going to need some transition pieces to move from the known system to his system. Personally, I would retain one defensive and one offensive coach from the prior staff for year one... and make staff changes later as needed.

    I agree like most people that we really need a good south Louisiana/east Texas recruiting capability. Most people will tell you that for UL football, to pluck a few gemstones from the area, the head coach has to have some exceptional recruiting style.

    I believe there are two schools on recruiting for a program like UL. One, we have to have a head coach that can sit down with an exceptional local athlete and his parents and put that young man at UL. Second, the staff needs to be able to assess talent in the high probability UL recruiting zones, but are overlooked by other larger programs. Unless our new coach gets some really interesting known person as OC or DC, I can't see one of them being the big draw to the program. The HC has got to be a great deal closer on the recruiting trail.

    Although I think we've done ok... Bustle was notorious for not getting many marquee athletes... and we as fans have been forced to accept "the word" that the guys we did recruit were diamonds that everyone else in the mid major ranks overlooked. Some have been... some have not.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Will any coaches be kept in some capacity?

    Here are some FACTS/OPINIONS to ponder.....

    (1) Although we each have our favorites, we stunk it up against some mediocre Sun Belt competition and who has to take the heat for that? The Chief AND his Indians.

    (2) If all of these guys are such good recruiters, where are the consistent WINS, the bowl appearances and long list of all SUN BELT athletes who stepped it up in the second half of every game?

    (3) I agree with a previous post..... Keeping one coach from each side of the ball makes good sense ... FOR US.

    (4) If the new coach wisely does that, those coaches must be GOOD coaches and popular with HS coaches in THIS area - Rebowe and Broussard certainly fit that bill. Other coaches will be hired to replace all the others who have the same connections in Texas and Florida....make book on that. After all, the ones with supposed strong ties have not exactly cornered those markets.

    (5) Sadly, the others must go...but they will land somewhere...they always do as they keep their options open 24/7. The smart ones always have contingency plans because MOST, if not all, have already been introduced to that beast in the business.

    (6) Bustle did not get Marque players nor did Baldy, Robertson, Stokes, Tam or Faulkinberry. Their coaches landed a few good players who were ATHLETES FIRST and luckily molded their few into BETTER players.....other hot shots who signed on through those years (that the sports information dept. did magnificent releases on) did not work out because they were not hot shots after all. We will rarely, if ever, beat the eminent mother you know who in the next town over, and if we do, I doubt the player is a 28.5 star rated recruit that every school in America is after. Many that go to the next level from here usually draw the comment...."Who woulda thought?"

    (7) What's the big hurry on hiring a future early retiree anyway? The many that we think would do well here certainly want a coaching life hereafter....therefore many will never be interested in the graveyard shift that our Gulf States/Southland/Independent/Whatever West/Sun Belt self has historically been?

    (8) Thanks Doc and thanks Raymond for helping to create that....on second thought, NO THANKS! It really WASN'T a pleasure dealing with either of you.

    (9) But it was with Coach Bustle. He's all class and is genuinely a nice guy.

    (10) Its too bad that nice guys have to sometimes finish last.....even when the finish is caused by 10+ key injuries and a weak S&C guy and a "bigtime" shoestring budget.

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