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Thread: UL debate team wins in forensics competition

  1. Research UL debate team wins in forensics competition

    LOUISIANA La. — Members of University of Louisiana’s Speech and Debate Team took three awards during the Hill Country Swing Forensics Tournament held Sept. 24-25 in San Marcos, Texas.

    Matt Cavanaugh, a sophomore psychology major from Lafayette, placed first in dramatic interpretation. Cavanaugh and partner Adam Benoit, a sophomore advertising major from Carencro, placed fifth in duo dramatic interpretation. Ganer Newman, a freshman political science major from Arnaudville, took fifth place in prose interpretation.

    Team assistant coach Amy Fowdy accompanied the squad to the competition. Patricia Rockwell is the team’s director.

    The source of the story

    Homes SO Clean

  2. #2


    Wow, would you look at that! All 3 of them graduated from Teurlings Catholic!!!!

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