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Thread: Cayenne as a UL Mascot hahahahha

  1. #109

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Whose brain dead idea was this mascot anyway. Hey I have an idea lets find something we eat and make it our mascot. That way if anyone ever makes fun of it we can eat him and destroy the evidence. We eat our mascot, no wonder everyone makes fun of it we eat him. We grind up our mascot and eat him. I can't believe we eat our mascot. We sprinkle our mascot on everything we eat. We grow our mascot tell him we love him then we eat him. We plant our mascot we fertilize him water him, then we eat him. No wonder I saw him hiding behind D-FENCE he thought we were going to eat him. You know what's worse before we eat him we put him on fire then we eat him. I can't believe we eat our mascot. I want a mascot that eats the opponents a bear or something a Louisiana Black bear. I have never eaten Louisiana Black bear. I wonder if black bear would eat our mascot. Probably not we eat our mascot first. Whose brain dead idea was this mascot anyway.

  2. #110

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by CockyCajun View Post
    _ Whose brain dead idea was this mascot anyway. Hey I have an idea lets find something we eat and make it our mascot. That way if anyone ever makes fun of it we can eat him and destroy the evidence. We eat our mascot, no wonder everyone makes fun of it we eat him. We grind up our mascot and eat him. I can't believe we eat our mascot. We sprinkle our mascot on everything we eat. We grow our mascot tell him we love him then we eat him. We plant our mascot we fertilize him water him, then we eat him. No wonder I saw him hiding behind D-FENCE he thought we were going to eat him. You know what's worse before we eat him we put him on fire then we eat him. I can't believe we eat our mascot. I want a mascot that eats the opponents a bear or something a Louisiana Black bear. I have never eaten Louisiana Black bear. I wonder if black bear would eat our mascot. Probably not we eat our mascot first. Whose brain dead idea was this mascot anyway. _
    Hey, I am in favor of a live 12' bull gator, and I want to see him at all of our home games on a leash.

    Now comes a few problems.... who is going to retrieve him so that he can be halter broken, retrieve him from the swamp on game day, and who all will manage the leashes on game day? I know. Poo Poo Broussard and friends.

  3. #111

    Louisiana Re: Ditch Cayenne

    What is a BullGator?

  4. Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Buds View Post
    _ What is a BullGator? _
    This is what it sounds like

  5. #113

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by srevere51 View Post
    _ I Would LOVE to get rid of that stupid mascot.... Man no offense, but pepper man looks like a cheap halloween costume from party city. I would love to see Mr. Ragin Cajun back... or the bulldog, anything or nothing....I would rather have none then Pepper man. _
    LOL! And here I thought that this thread was about getting rid of our resident weedeater operator caynennethepepper with all of his advice about how to run the program and the university.

    BTW, he was doling out advice again Sunday on Bitter's show and he actually admitted that he gave up on supporting the Cajuns and called himself a mcneese fan. Bitter came back with an icredulous "you're a mcneese fan, now?!" He claims he pulled for mcneese in football because he has family there playing baseball. I guess this week we will discover he has family playing shuffleboard at Troy to explain why he will be pulling against the Cajuns again.

  6. #114

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

  7. #115

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer58 View Post
    _ LOL! And here I thought that this thread was about getting rid of our resident weedeater operator caynennethepepper with all of his advice about how to run the program and the university.

    BTW, he was doling out advice again Sunday on Bitter's show and he actually admitted that he gave up on supporting the Cajuns and called himself a mcneese fan. Bitter came back with an icredulous "you're a mcneese fan, now?!" He claims he pulled for mcneese in football because he has family there playing baseball. I guess this week we will discover he has family playing shuffleboard at Troy to explain why he will be pulling against the Cajuns again. _
    Send him to McNeese then.... I will pay for the bus trip

  8. Ragin' Cajuns Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunCharlie View Post
    Hey, I am in favor of a live 12' bull gator, and I want to see him at all of our home games on a leash.

    Now comes a few problems.... who is going to retrieve him so that he can be halter broken, retrieve him from the swamp on game day, and who all will manage the leashes on game day? I know. Poo Poo Broussard and friends.
    I think, seeing as we are the Ragin' Cajuns, we should just hire PooPoo. A real life ragin' cajun. A real life Mr. Ragin' Cajun.

  9. Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Buds View Post
    _ What is a BullGator? _
    A BullGator is what lives in the heart of UL's campus. At Cypress Lake (Swamp)

    BullGator Protector of The Swamp.
    Attached Images Attached Images    

    Geaux Cajuns

  10. #118

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunbander View Post
    _ I think, seeing as we are the Ragin' Cajuns, we should just hire PooPoo. A real life ragin' cajun. A real life Mr. Ragin' Cajun. _
    PooPoo is not a real ragin cajun. He is playing a role as Poo Poo. He used to be a jeweler I am not sure if he still is..... plus we would still get made fun of on a national level though.. It would bring the WATERBOY to life God knows we dont want to resemble SCLSU...

  11. #119
    Just1More's Avatar Just1More is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ A BullGator is what lives in the heart of UL's campus. At Cypress Lake (Swamp)

    BullGator Protector of The Swamp.
    Ditch the pepper. Make it funny if that serves the purpose... introduce the Gator by consuming the cayenne. Burp, and call it done. The pepper, as a mascot, has to be gone.

  12. Ragin' Cajuns Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by srevere51 View Post
    PooPoo is not a real ragin cajun. He is playing a role as Poo Poo. He used to be a jeweler I am not sure if he still is..... plus we would still get made fun of on a national level though.. It would bring the WATERBOY to life God knows we dont want to resemble SCLSU...
    I know he's not really like that. I meant the character.

    Anyway. Touche. haha

    I do like the bullgator.

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