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Thread: Cayenne as a UL Mascot hahahahha

  1. #85

    UL Baseball Re: UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by DestinCajun View Post
    _ Geez, I cannot accept criticism about our pepper from people who refer to themselves as "cock fans". Now, that's a joke. _
    I agree the pepper may be bad , but it`s not pornographic

  2. Default Re: UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by old catcher View Post
    _ I agree the pepper may be bad , but it`s not pornographic _
    Not anymore.

    When he was first released they had him/it running around naked with his back on fire. I don't know if that was pornographic or not but what ever it was, it was not a pretty sight.

    The clothed version we have now is a 100% improvement, but please let no one take that as an endorsement.

    ps I am a fan of the UL BullGator.
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    Geaux Cajuns

  3. #87
    rhineaux's Avatar rhineaux is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Fan for Sure

    Default Re: UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    _ Not anymore.

    When he was first released they had him/it running around naked with his back on fire. I don't know if that was pornographic or not but what ever it was, it was not a pretty sight.

    The clothed version we have now is a 100% improvement, but please let no one take that as an endorsement.

    ps I am a fan of the UL BullGator.
    How about a list of e-mails of those in charge (i.e. Authement, DW, Julie Dronet, Nelson Shexneyder, etc.) so we can send a link to this thread so that they know how much of an embarrassment that thing is and how a lot of people feel about it. We have the uniqueness of the fleur de lis to exploit and we throw a freaking pepper out there. I hate that freaking thing and every logo we have that has words or whatever else on fire. It looks so Bush League. Look at Troy or FAU. They have some really nice logos that actually look modern, classy, and professional, and then look at our crap. its so cartoonish. its ridiculous. how can we expect people to respect our wishes for what we want to be called, respect our athletics, respect our students, when we run that crap out there.

    What is wrong with this fleur de lis?

    loose the pepper. Loose the fire. Give us something that we can be proud of. We don't necessarilly need anything walking around the stadium for the kids, but I do like that bull gator, and it would be very cool to have that Catahoula looking over the players as they run out of the tunnel.
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  4. #88

    Default Re: UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by rhineaux View Post
    _ How about a list of e-mails of those in charge (i.e. Authement, DW, Julie Dronet, Nelson Shexneyder, etc.) so we can send a link to this thread so that they know how much of an embarrassment that thing is and how a lot of people feel about it. We have the uniqueness of the fleur de lis to exploit and we throw a freaking pepper out there. I hate that freaking thing and every logo we have that has words or whatever else on fire. It looks so Bush League. Look at Troy or FAU. They have some really nice logos that actually look modern, classy, and professional, and then look at our crap. its so cartoonish. its ridiculous. how can we expect people to respect our wishes for what we want to be called, respect our athletics, respect our students, when we run that crap out there.

    What is wrong with this fleur de lis?

    loose the pepper. Loose the fire. Give us something that we can be proud of. We don't necessarilly need anything walking around the stadium for the kids, but I do like that bull gator, and it would be very cool to have that Catahoula looking over the players as they run out of the tunnel. _
    So nice to see such a clear thinking Cajun Fan.

    Agree with everything you said except the bullgator.

    I'm a Catahoula man.

  5. #89

    Default Re: UL Mascot

    Why do we insist on having a mascott? We should just have cheerleaders and conference title banners on the sidelines.

  6. #90

    Default Re: UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Damon View Post
    _ Why do we insist on having a mascott? We should just have cheerleaders and conference title banners on the sidelines. _

    It's not so much that we WANT or DEMAND a mascot. It's more about the fact that this unversity, when it comes to uniforms, emblems(pepper), and mascots(cayenne), chooses such a Bush League way of doing things.

  7. #91

    This is Upsetting Ditch Cayenne

    I Would LOVE to get rid of that stupid mascot.... Man no offense, but pepper man looks like a cheap halloween costume from party city. I would love to see Mr. Ragin Cajun back... or the bulldog, anything or nothing....I would rather have none then Pepper man.

  8. #92

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by srevere51 View Post
    _ I Would LOVE to get rid of that stupid mascot.... Man no offense, but pepper man looks like a cheap halloween costume from party city. I would love to see Mr. Ragin Cajun back... or the bulldog, anything or nothing....I would rather have none then Pepper man. _
    That must be it. It was the mascot's fault...

  9. #93

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Cayenne is a joke, wasn't he hired with Baldwin, then why wasn't he fired with Baldwin? Cayenne the pecker headed pepper is the reason this program can't get on track.

  10. #94

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by gridiron View Post
    _ Cayenne is a joke, wasn't he hired with Baldwin, then why wasn't he fired with Baldwin? Cayenne the pecker headed pepper is the reason this program can't get on track. _
    Why dont we change our school name also? We can be the Louisiana Fighting Gros Becks (sp?)

  11. #95

    Default Re: Ditch Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by showdog View Post
    _ That must be it. It was the mascot's fault... _
    Yeah well, if you can read you will notice that I did not blame the loss on the pepper man, it is just a statement in general

  12. #96

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: Ditch Cayenne

    At least, Saturday night, our mascot, Cayenne, gave to their mascot a hemorroid. Come on ICE CREAM.

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