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Thread: Cayenne as a UL Mascot hahahahha

  1. Default Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    HULLo, let me mULL this over, letters in the middle of words . . . .

    Why do I feel like we are venturing into Davinci Code territory

  2. #38

    Default Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine
    HULLo, let me mULL this over, letters in the middle of words . . . .

    Why do I feel like we are venturing into Davinci Code territory
    Nice One Turbine!!

  3. #39

    Default Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sugar Land Cajun
    We could also rename the stadium Louisiana Stadium and change the name of CajunDome Blvd. to Louisiana Blvd.
    That's a great idea but I don't think that would happen. Since there is already a Louisiana Ave. in Lafayette, I'm not sure that it would go over with the Lafayette Consolidated government.

    I think it's more reasonable to ask that Louisiana Ave. be extended all the way to South College. In this way, UL Campus would be at the corner of University and Louisiana avenues. I believe this was attempted and failed before, but if people can have Willow (or whichever street it is, I can't remember) renamed Martin Luther King Drive, then there shouldn't be anything to keep us from being able to rename that section of Johnston street Louisiana Ave.

    P.S. Cajundome blvd is fine the way it is. It is the most prominent and recognizable feature of that street. I move that we rename Reinhardt drive to something more relevant such as "Ragin' Cajun Dr.", or "Stadium Drive".

  4. #40

    Default Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal
    That's a great idea but I don't think that would happen. Since there is already a Louisiana Ave. in Lafayette, I'm not sure that it would go over with the Lafayette Consolidated government.

    I think it's more reasonable to ask that Louisiana Ave. be extended all the way to South College. In this way, UL Campus would be at the corner of University and Louisiana avenues. I believe this was attempted and failed before, but if people can have Willow (or whichever street it is, I can't remember) renamed Martin Luther King Drive, then there shouldn't be anything to keep us from being able to rename that section of Johnston street Louisiana Ave.

    I like that approach and, hopefully, it will be reconsidered. But, there should be no confusing Louisiana Ave. and Louisiana Blvd. Cities have that kind of street nomenclature all the time. Just look at Peachtree St., Ave., Blvd. in Atlanta. This is just another way for the City of Lafayette to support the University of Louisiana. It would be nice if someone with the University would take both issues up with the City.

  5. #41

    UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman
    So last night was the first basketball game that I have attended this season, and I finally got to see this redone Cayenne costume. Let's just say I was less than impressed. It kinda looks like something I put together myself.

    I know we've discussed this before, but what do you think should be done?

    My opinion:
    1. Keep the name "Ragin' Cajuns" (that's a given)
    2. Continue to use the flaming pepper logo (but not the pepper with the angry face that has been appearing on hats)
    3. Bring back the live bulldog at sporting events. I know there has been some discussion about other types of dogs, but the bulldog honors the tradition of the university.
    4. Bring back the Cajun Chicken! He was the coolest thing ever! I don't care if its not the same guy and not the same suit, but having a chicken would definitely be unique. Its kind of like the Philly Phanatic. You can't dress up like a Philly, so have something unique that everyone recognizes.
    I know that Cayenne is not popular, and that alone should send him to the orphanage for adoption by a hot sause company. My only comment about him, or defense of him in general is that The Ohio State Buckeyes have a mascot similar to him. He is a fellow dressed up in a little outfit with the head being a small buckeye nut. I don't even know what type of mascot the Stafford people have with the mighty redwood? As much as I hate gators, I simply could never back a gator, especially since Fl has made it so popular. The only two things that make sense are the state dog, and the state bird, and Tulane only half adopted the pelican, they still have Gumby don't they for a wave. I don't recall seeing the pelican on anything except on the bat.

  6. #42

    Default Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    Or Post Oak Blvd, Rd, Ln, etc, etc in Houston

  7. #43

    Default Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunAmos
    Or Post Oak Blvd, Rd, Ln, etc, etc in Houston
    Yeh I don't think this really helps the argument. When we went to houston for the UL game, we got lost taking different post oaks trying to reach our destination. And we even had two maps. Having multiple streets named close to the same thing is really confusing for people from out of town who are looking at maps and street signs trying to figure out where the heck they are.

  8. #44

    Default Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal
    Yeh I don't think this really helps the argument. When we went to houston for the UL game, we got lost taking different post oaks trying to reach our destination. And we even had two maps. Having multiple streets named close to the same thing is really confusing for people from out of town who are looking at maps and street signs trying to figure out where the heck they are.

    Lafayette is certainly no Houston and it would be difficult to get lost there. Besides, Louisiana Blvd. would be a very short street from Johnston St. thru the UL complex and thru the Research Park. The only reason for doing this is because of the University of Louisiana. Otherwise, it would have no meaning.

    When someone mentions Cajun Field or the CajunDome on Louisiana Blvd., there would be no confusion as to where that is.

  9. #45

    Default Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal
    I think it's more reasonable to ask that Louisiana Ave. be extended all the way to South College. In this way, UL Campus would be at the corner of University and Louisiana avenues. I believe this was attempted and failed before, but if people can have Willow (or whichever street it is, I can't remember) renamed Martin Luther King Drive, then there shouldn't be anything to keep us from being able to rename that section of Johnston street Louisiana Ave.
    And did I hear somewhere that Johnston is actually named after an LSU guy anyway? I think this is a great idea!

  10. #46

    Default Re: What's up with Cayenne?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kal
    Yeh I don't think this really helps the argument. When we went to houston for the UL game, we got lost taking different post oaks trying to reach our destination. And we even had two maps. Having multiple streets named close to the same thing is really confusing for people from out of town who are looking at maps and street signs trying to figure out where the heck they are.
    uuuugggh... just turn on the GPS

  11. #47

    Default The Story of Cayenne

    Our new website is first class. What do you guys think about the story of cayenne the Ragin Cajun pepper? Why isn't Tabasco donating a mint to us?

  12. #48

    Default Re: The Story of Cayenne

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90
    Why isn't Tabasco donating a mint to us?
    I'll take "because we didn't ask" for a thousand, Alex.

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