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Thread: Sunshine Network? Where to find it?

  1. #1

    Ragin' Cajuns Snshine Network? Where to find it?

    Does anyone know if any of the local establishments will carry the game?
    I called Cox Cable and they said they do not have the Sunshine Network.
    I think it is only available on satellite?
    Any info would be nice.

  2. #2


    the only thing i can tell you is to find someone with direct tv who has purchase the friends who have direct tv have invited me to come over to their home to watch the game, i don't know if this helps good luck

  3. #3


    Im sure Legends or Petes will have it! Ill be there watching it!

  4. #4


    If enough of us UL fans called, Do you think COX would get the feed and broadcast it on COX 27? Does anyone have their # and/or email address!!


  5. Default Re: Snshine Network? Where to find it?

    Originally posted by bmcollect
    Does anyone know if any of the local establishments will carry the game?
    oldman is right, find someone with direct tv. That is my goal.

    I just heard on the SportsNote that Legends on Bertrand would have it.

    On another thread link for those in the New Orleans area, waterboy says there Tailgaters Sports Bar on the northshore has the sunsine network.

    Geaux Cajuns

  6. #6


    I got invited to a friend's place this Saturday to watch the game on his DirectTV setup. So I'm all set.

  7. #7


    DISH Network carries the Sunshine Network as a regional sports package and is included in most of thier plans. This means it would not be a pay-per-view event on DISH Network. So, find a friend with the DISH Network or I'll see you at Legends on Bertrand.

  8. #8


    does anyone know if the Ragin Cajun will be televising the game in Houston?

  9. #9


    Most, if not all sports bars, have DirecTV or DIsh Network with the Sports Package Subscriptions. It's only ten bucks a month extra and you get all the FoxSports channels, SUnshine Network and several others.

    That means that virtually any sports bar in America should be able to catch the game.

  10. #10


    Originally posted by BirdofParadise
    That means that virtually any sports bar in America should be able to catch the game.
    yes your statement is true.. although as you know, that does not insure that every bar will tune it to that channel..

    btw.. i am jay walker in here (grins)

  11. #11


    THey might not tune in for the hell of it, but If you tell them you'll buy beer the whole time the game is on, but only if they tune in to it on at least one TV for you, or you'll go somewhere else, that might persuade them.

  12. #12


    If you call your cable operator and ask for Sunshine Network they will not know what you are talking about. The Sunshine Network usually airs on cable systems outside of Florida on one of the Fox Sports channels since it is owned by Fox. Here in Austin, I see it on Fox Sports Atlantic, which is part of a package of Fox Sports Channels on TimeWarner Digital Cable here in Austin. Your cable company may have a similar package. HOWEVER, I do not know yet whether FS Atlanta will show the game or not. Sometimes they pick up games on Sunshine, other times they do their own thing. I caught some of an FIU game last year. Hope that lengthy explanation gives you something to work with.

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