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Thread: Four interviewees confirmed....

  1. #61


    So am I reading this wrong, or are you saying Crowton is an "icon" like Schnellenberger?

    By the way, as far as the rest of the post...not gonna happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Tide View Post
    I have observed a while and listened, I hope I can put in something I heard from a TAF person. I do not know if it is true or even if it is legal within the NCAA guidelines. I only want the UL adminstration to make the best decision for the program going forward because it is the most critical hire at the most critical time in UL history.

    The absolute one thing that UL needs to move forward with determined purpose is money. Money for salaries, money for facilities, and money to run a decent athletic program. Where do you start? The state is going to hand down severe budget cuts and no long term contract for any coach can be guaranteed by the state; it will have to come from the private sector of fans and boosters.

    What the TAF could offer UL is money and plenty of it! Now, I despise LSU as much as anyone, but give a listen and not a knee jerk reaction. If the big money TAF supporters would guarantee the salary and the contract for the stated term on say, Gary Crowton, then it frees up tremendous potential for UL in the long run. They may even pony up for some stadium improvements, who knows. The proof is the check doesn't bounce. The big money TAF people get rid of a capable OC/QB coach that they want out and the LSU program saves face for the recruiting season. UL gets a quality coach that is now already on the short list to interview and someone who will "mentor" the next UL coach who will be the OC. . .maybe Gunner Brewer. Remember, money is not the issue. . .the future is.

    Now, we get a de facto head coach who is just an icon (like FAU did with Schnellenberger) while the real coach learns the system to be ready to take the program in three years. That is exactly what happened to Jimbo Fisher when he left LSU and went to Florida State and not with Nick Saban to Alabama. LSU did the same thing to Bradley Dale Peveto a couple of years ago.

    I know this is my first post. I am not trying to be disruptive but thinking a little out of the box. And, it is not my purpose to tick off the faithful but these are extremely difficult economic times for this city, this university, and this program. Would this even be possible?

    Gary Crowton's name has not gone away!!

  2. #62

    Default Re: Four interviewees confirmed....

    Quote Originally Posted by J-Town Cajun View Post
    _ Guys it is somewhat of a shot in the dark and gut feeling on which candidate would bring UL the most success. Hell Ricky Bustle had a better resume than 3 of the canidates excluding Crowton (who won a national championship). We must remember Bustle was the OC at Virginia Tech who played in the national championship game and probably had something to do with getting the top recruit in the nation Micheal Vick to VT. And what did this hire bring us, one winning season in 9 years.

    My gut feeling says Brewer should be our choice. I can't say anything more than I here he is a good recruiter and has produce productive offenses at OSU and produce some incredible WR while coaching. I like the fact he comes from a coaching background and that he is young. What scares me some is he does not have many ties to Louisiana and he would be the first to jump to a bigger job, but in that case that means we would have won.

    In the beginning I like the sexy picks of Orgeron and Crowton. And although I still like the idea of Orgeron because of the excitement that he would bring and his recruiting abilities; I know he is no longer a candidate so I have moved on. Crowton has proven he can produce some explosive offenses but something tell me he is not the answer long term.

    Deforest is intriguing because it seems he really wants to be here and he understands the Cajun culture, but the lack of HC or coordinator experience scares me and I am not sure what kind of staff he could bring here. Usually assistants coaches go places to gain valuable experience and work under someone special with a name and I am not sure top assistants will view Deforest as that person.

    Hudspeth seems to be the safest pick to not spilt the fan base and boosters which is very important in hiring a new coach, but nothing sexy about this hire. Hudspeth seems to be at the top of everyone's short list and I have not heard of anyone say they don't want him unlike many say about Crowton. Many people on the board gave me a hard time when I was pumping Coach Viator from McNeese. Most people said he is coming from a D1AA program and he will have a hard time recruiting D1 players. Well with that logic Hudspeth has spent most of his coaching career at a D2 school. So what, 1 year of coaching WR at a D1 program and the guy can all of a sudden recruit D1 athletes. Give me a break. In a way he has the least amount of D1 experience of all the candidates. _
    He was also Off coord. of Navy in 2001, if that helps.

  3. #63


    Just when you think you have heard it alll! Tide, I do give you an "A" for effort!

  4. #64

    Default Re: Four interviewees confirmed....

    Quote Originally Posted by seehard View Post
    _ By BJ Thompson on NBC this afternoon...

    Joe DeForest
    Gary Crowton
    Mark Hudspeth
    Gunner Brewer

    A minority candidate will need to be interviewed. But chances are our next coach will be one of these 4.

    Which coach is Kathleen Blanco & Cleo Fields supporting this time?? _

  5. #65

    Default Re: Four interviewees confirmed....


  6. #66

    Default Re: Four interviewees confirmed....

    Quote Originally Posted by RCAJUN90 View Post
    _ I remember the buzz when Bustle was hired and yes I had a "Bustle Up" T-shirt at one time.
    I know how you feel ... I had a "Babb for Heisman" shirt and that didnt work out to well either.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Four interviewees confirmed....


  8. #68

    Default Re: Four interviewees confirmed....

    Quote Originally Posted by ULGrad@HOU View Post
    _ He was also Off coord. of Navy in 2001, if that helps. _
    Hudspeth still has the least amout of D1 experience. And come on man, coaching and recruiting at Navy is not the same as recruiting at other D1 programs.

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by RaginCajun08 View Post
    I know how you feel ... I had a "Babb for Heisman" shirt and that didnt work out to well either.
    How do you think I feel? I based my whole RaginPagin identity on that!

  10. #70
    Zeebart21's Avatar Zeebart21 is offline Ragin Cajuns of Louisiana Ragin' Cajuns Greatest Fan Ever

    Default Re: Four interviewees confirmed....

    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboy Up View Post

    please come back and "lay it on us!"

    make the time...


  11. #71

    Default Re: Four interviewees confirmed....

    Quote Originally Posted by bballholic View Post
    _ Just when you think you have heard it alll! Tide, I do give you an "A" for effort! _
    I've heard pretty much the same theory from a very levelheaded, diehard State fan who usually has very good sources for his info. One difference is that his source at TAF just proposes paying the first year of the contract. Such a move by State and TAF would not be the first for them. The same arrangement was alleged to have happened with the Peveto move to NSU. There was also talk of a similar arrangement of some type when Smoke went to NLU.

    Having said all of that I do not think it would be a good move for UL unless our AD had determined that Crowton was truly the man he wanted and managed to take State's money as a bonus. But I do not think that will be the case.

  12. #72

    Default Re: Four interviewees confirmed....

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeebart21 View Post
    _ please come back and "lay it on us!"

    make the time...

    Z _
    It was a false alarm, Z. His Mo-Alarm went off when J-TownCajun typed the words "Viator" and "McNeese". He rushed over here thinking he needed to defend the Broke.back Nation.

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