I just want to say thank you to Ricky Bustle for the years he gave of himself and this program. I really wish as i am sure he is that the results could have been better, I will say he brought real excitement back to this program and until this year never had me negative about the program. Hopefully we made enough infrastructure improvements that the next coach that we get is able to continue what has been started.
To the coaching staff I really am sad to see the change because I truly believe that this staff has a few future D-1 Head coaches on it. I know it is an unpopular opinion but a note to the new coach to really take a hard look at the current staff there are some diamonds in the rough there if not yourself.
My dream would have been for Coach Bustle to have had more success here and be able to pass the reins on to one those diamonds.
To Coach Bustle one final note and one final assignment, please change history and continue coaching I am sick of Louisiana being a coaches graveyard. I realize Acadiana is a wonderful place to be but you are a great Football coach.
Just my 2 pennies